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Digital Librarian:
a librarian's choice of the best of the Web
Maintained by Margaret Vail Anderson, a librarian in Cortland, New York
Citations: sites
with links to Digital Librarian
Updated 23 September 2001
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September 11th
Recommended Reading from A
Short Walk in the Hindu Kush - Eric Newby's account of his 1956 trek through
the Nuristan Mountains in northeast Afghanistan (paperback $10.36). Also
available in hardcover
and in audio
cassette. A more recent publication is Jason Elliot's Unexpected
Light: Travels in Afghanistan, reviewed in the New York Times on February
16, 2001 and April
8, 2001. Taliban:
Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia by Ahmed Rashid
provides a perspective by a Pakistani journalist, whose Wretched
Afghanistan recently appeared in the Washington Post. (See also Non-Fiction
Page Turners.) For pictures of Afghanistan, see Images
of Afghanistan in 1976-78 by Douglas R. Powell. Robert D. Kaplan writes
about the tribal lands of the Afghanistan-Pakistan border in The
Lawless Frontier, Atlantic, September 2000. The Making of American digital
project offers Afghanistan
and the English by S. Wells Williams, The New Englander, vol. 38, issue 148
(Jan 1879). The United Nations High Commissioner
for Refugees (UNHCR) has information on refugees in Afghanistan.
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Choice of the Best of the Web. All rights reserved. May not be copied or
mirrored without written permission.
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