If You Think You Have Nothing To
Thankful For
This Year; Then I Hope
That These
phrases below
Help You To Realize
What Life
Has To Offer
Us Each Day
and We Do Need To
Be Thankful
For Each New

Be thankful that you don't
get everything you desire; For if you did, you would
have nothing to look forward to?
Be thankful for
when you don't know everything, It offers you the
opportunity to learn something new.

Be thankful for the
difficult times. For it's during those times that you
Be thankful for your limitations, Because they give you
opportunities for improvement.

Be thankful for each new
challenge, Because it does build your character and give you
Be thankful for your mistakes, for they do teach
you valuable lessons.

Be thankful when your tired and weary, for
it means you have made a difference today.

It is
easy to be thankful for all the good things.
"True fulfillment and
Happiness" comes to those who are already thankful for their
Think about it... and BE

Created by 'LAZ'
1999 |