Best Veiwed 800x600 and BlackChancery Font

Time after time we
often wonder
what life would be
if we were a bit
 I would still be
holding you
and looking into
those eyes of blue
 I would be beautiful
and young again
 You would have me in
your heart within
 We could dream once
of making love on
the shore
 That seems like a
life ago
we had each other
but we let each other go

Looking back I have
no regrets
 I wished you a life
of happiness without threats
I still wonder how
it would be
and wonder if you
still think of me
Only God knows what
lies ahead
from the time we are
born until we are dead
Sometimes things are
not meant to be

So I let you go to
be free
I still miss you
your breath, your
kiss, your touch
Now the memories are
all that I have
these memories are
so fine
But you can't turn
back time

Personnal Note: Graphic Source Unknown to This Webmistress - Sorry about no credits given But if you happen to know the artists - Please email me so I may give credit THANK YOU