PACK MEETINGS are held September thru May on the last FRIDAY of each month AT 7:00 PM (UNLESS THERE IS A HOLIDAY) at San Lorenzo Community Church in the Social Hall.

SEPT 24, 2004 |
OCT 29, 2004 |
NOV 19, 2004 |
DEC 17, 2004 |
Set up |
Den 6 |
All |
Den 8 |
Den 5 |
Opening |
Den 6 |
Den 4 |
Den 1 |
Den 2 |
Song |
None |
None |
None |
Den 2 |
Skit |
Cubmasters |
None |
None |
Eagles |
Game |
Den 2 |
Dragons |
Monitor |
Den 8 |
Eagles |
Den 6 |
Demo |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Closing |
Eagles |
Den 6 |
Den 5 |
Den 1 |
Snack |
Den 1 |
Den 6 |
Den 8 |
JAN 28, 2005 |
FEB 25, 2005 |
MARCH 25, 2005 |
APRIL 29, 2005 |
MAY 20, 2005 |
Set up |
Den 2 |
tbd |
tbd |
tbd |
tbd |
Opening |
Eagles |
tbd |
Dragons |
tbd |
tbd |
Song |
Den 1 |
tbd |
tbd |
tbd |
tbd |
Skit |
None |
tbd |
None |
tbd |
None |
Game |
Den 8 |
tbd |
tbd |
tbd |
None |
Monitor |
Dragons |
tbd |
tbd |
tbd |
tbd |
Demo |
None |
tbd |
None |
tbd |
None |
Closing |
Den 6 |
tbd |
Eagles |
tbd |
Tigers |
Snack |
Den 5 |
tbd |
tbd |
tbd |
tbd |
Clean-up |
all |
tbd |
tbd |
tbd |
tbd |
Set up - Arrive before 6:45 PM, open hall, turn on lights, set up chairs and den flag poles.
Opening - Color guard procession with USA Flag and Pack Flag, lead the Pledge of Alligence.
Song - Select a song or songs, provide lyrics to meeting attendees, lead the song (may tie to requirements of the various ranks).
Skit - Present a short skit/show/reading (may tie to requirements of the various ranks e.g., Webelos Showman).
Game - Lead an indoor game for the scouts and siblings, providing all necessary materials.
Monitor - Monitor the Social Hall and surrounding areas to ensure Scouts are not allowed in off limit areas. Assist selling raffle tickets at the back table.
Demo - Webelos patrol/den present details of accomplishments or conduct a demonstration for the meeting attendees, providing all necessary materials.
Snack - Provide Cookies and Punch (check ahead of time for supply of napkins and cups). Staff the kitchen to hand them out to the Scouts and siblings at the end of meeting.
Clean Up - All Dens assist in returning chairs to the sides of the room and picking up debris from the floor. Den assigned to Clean-up returns flag poles to basement, sweeps floor and empties trash to dumpster in parking lot.

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* * *Want to get in touch with me?* * *