AIDAN ROBERT DWYER was born on Easter Sunday, April 4, 1999. He arrived at 8:59 pm weighing 8 lbs. 7 oz. and was 21" tall. The photos below give a glimpse into Aidan's first few days. The new parents thank those who have sent email to cruddyd@aol.com. |
Mommy Maureen with newly-arrived Aidan and bleary-looking Dad, Christopher. |
Aidan looking at that girl baby in the next basinette in Shady Grove Adventist Hospital.. |
"Alert", Handsome", "Beautiful" were some of the adjectives used to describe Aidan by impartial and unbiased observers. |
"Where am I? Who are these big people?" |
Aidan with his Dad and his great grandmother, Catherine Ruddy. |
Kaleena Maureen Dwyer, Aidan's first cousin, in her Easter outfit with her mother, Karen. Kaleena talks often about playing with "Baby Aidan" and sharing her toys with him. |
Aidan's paternal grandmother, Maureen, is tired along with the others who kept watch with Chris and Maureen during a long labor. How thrilled she is over Aidan! |
"Grandpop" Al Dwyer admiring his first grandson and future winner of the Masters Golf Tournament in 2024. |
We're waiting to receive pictures of the maternal grandparents, Bob and Ann Lallos, who were with Maureen before, during, and after Aidan's birth. |