AIDAN ROBERT DWYER was born on Easter Sunday, April 4, 1999. He arrived at 8:59 pm weighing 8 lbs. 7 oz. and was 21" tall. The photos below give a glimpse into Aidan's first few days. The new parents thank those who have sent email to
Mommy Maureen with newly-arrived Aidan and bleary-looking Dad, Christopher.
Aidan looking at that girl baby in the next basinette in Shady Grove Adventist Hospital..
"Alert", Handsome", "Beautiful" were some of the adjectives used to describe Aidan by impartial and unbiased observers.
"Where am I? Who are these big people?"
Aidan with his Dad and his great grandmother, Catherine Ruddy.
Kaleena Maureen Dwyer, Aidan's first cousin, in her Easter outfit with her mother, Karen. Kaleena talks often about playing with "Baby Aidan" and sharing her toys with him.
Aidan's paternal grandmother, Maureen, is tired along with the others who kept watch with Chris and Maureen during a long labor. How thrilled she is over Aidan!
"Grandpop" Al Dwyer admiring his first grandson and future winner of the Masters Golf Tournament in 2024.
We're waiting to receive pictures of the maternal grandparents, Bob and Ann Lallos, who were with Maureen before, during, and after Aidan's birth.