from Dear Mr. God, Why? Written by LC, age 6 * With a little help from A Paper Angel ________________________________________________________________________
Dear Mr. God,
My daddy says all attorneys live at the bottom of the ocean. But I saw
one the other day and he didn't look wet at all. Please explain how they
do this?
Dear Mr. God,
Do You have a computer? Do You use a Mac or not, because of all the
troubles You had with apples? Or do You use a PC? Then You must be using
windows. I'll bet it's a HUGE window too, huh?
Dear Mr. God,
Do You walk on the stars? I see them fall every once in a while. I don't
want You to get hurt, so I was wondering if You would use Super Glue.
Have You ever heard of it? It works really good, believe me! But,
please, don't ask me to tell You why!
Dear Mr. God,
I get afraid of thunder storms, so my dad told me it was You playing
bowling, but my mom says it's the Angels playing bowling. I just wanted
to know who's winning? And did You know some of those "strikes" come
down here on Earth and start a fire. And we're told kids shouldn't play
with matches. Just watchin Ya!
Dear Mr. God,
I really love Your rainbows. I think of them as your smiles, but I
wonder why they are upside down? Are You standing on Your head?
Dear Mr. God,
If this is truly the land of the free, why does everything cost so much?
Dear Mr. God,
Time really bothers me. Why does time go so fast when I'm playing and so
slow when I have homework the time seems to last forever? Is that Your
time zone?
Dear Mr. God,
Do you have a FAX machine or should I keep sending up my helium balloons
to You?
Dear Mr. God,
Have You got surround sound up there for watching movies? I'll bet it's
really loud and neat! My daddy says my brother plays our music loud
Dear Mr. God,
Do You have to eat yukie foods, like liver and lima beans?
Dear Mr. God,
You must be a real good magician if we can't see You, but You can see
us. I wish I knew how You do it. I'd like to play a trick on Billy.
Dear Mr. God,
I'm just learning about money. When you borrow money, you must pay it
back soon. We have a big problem. Our government has two parties and
they spend WAY too much money. Daddy says they're going to take our
money to pay for their parties and call it higher taxes. Does this seem
fair to You? Are death and taxes the only sure fire things we can count
on? Please reply before April, that's when my daddy gets real upset.
Thank You.
Dear Mr. God,
If rain is really angels tears, why doesn't the rain taste salty? Where
do you put ALL that salt? It's confusing me.
Dear Mr. God,
I believe kids should grow up on Earth. Teenagers should grow up on
Venus, because they always fall in love. Adults always get married and
divorced, so I think Jupiter would be good for them, because of all its
rings. And old people should live on Pluto, because it MUST be closer to
Heaven, right? P.S. Mike is five and really bothers me. Is there an
extra planet for him? Your friend, always.
Dear Mr. God,
I was wondering how old You were when You got to cross the street? And
what color is Your house?
Dear Mr. God,
If the streets of Heaven are truly paved in gold (and I believe You), I
was wondering if when the next time You tear up and fix a street if I
could have the stuff You don't need anymore? There's a lot of hungry
kids down here and it could sure help out. Thank you very much, Sir.
Dear Mr. God,
Do you have ice cream and popcorn in Heaven? Also, you might add
chocolate, because adults really love it, too.
Dear Mr. God,
Why do vegetables taste so bad? Why can't You make them taste like candy
and have them still be good for us kids. And some of those vegetables
look pretty wierd, too. P.S. My father doesn't have to eat his
vegetables and doesn't get in trouble. Is this right?
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