Angels ll
2 Thessalonians 1:7
Whose Flowers Are These?
along the path not taken? Whose unseen hand has sown the seeds that make these hills awaken? Who sends the rain in Summer to make the poppies grow, Then keeps their birth a secret from the villagers below? Whose flowers are these within the woods where few have dared to trod, Unseen throughout the ages known only unto God? with such beauty all around us, I wonder what I'll see In God's celestial gardens when Angels come for me? (Written By:Clay Harrison)
![]() The angels are so enamored of the language that is spoken in heaven that they will not distort their lips with the hissing and unmusical dialects of men, but speak their own, whether there be any who understand it or not.
God Answers Prayers
Yes, No, and, Wait Awhile --anonymous
Are There Angels Above You?
you nestle up close to my breast; My heart fills with love as I silently pray, "Dear Father, I'm mightily blessed."
Your wee little body, so perfect in form,
Are there angels above you,
I've little to offer, my feverish one,
Then wonder of wonders, you silence your crises,
I stop by your room on the way to my bed,
I wake in the morning, my sleep undisturbed,
Are there angels above you, to comfort and love you,
A still small voice whispers, "My child, can you doubt,
There are angels above you, to comfort and love you. Teri Kramer
Gaurdian AngelPlease, never let me out of your sight Protect me with your all your might And when I am blind open my eyes with your guiding light Be the sun I see at first light And the moon caressing me at night Grant me your wisdom so i might see That inner beauty that lies within me Teach me grace, beauty and love Let me spread my wings and fly As if I were a dove Shelter me in kindness Shield me from pain Free me from my blindness Never let my heart rain Tear down my castle walls and let trust come in Let me accept everyone as my friend Turn my dreams into fantasy's and fantasy's into life Shield me from nightmares, pain and strife And most of all Guiding Light protect the young ones In a place unsafe & a world gone mad So that they might grow to be old and never be sad Ron & Ruthie 97
Angels in Disguise
but angels in disguise Who've come to earth as babies With spirits oh, so wise.
Could they but speak from memory
But then their thoughts and memories
That way our Father helps us
Babies are a blessing
And we, His mortal counterparts, (source unknown) ![]()
"What Do Angels Look Like?"
Like the little old lady who returned ~ your wallet yesterday. Like the taxi driver who told you that your eyes ~ light up the world, when you smile. Like the small child who showed you ~ the wonder in simple things. Like the poor man who offered to ~ share his lunch with you. Like the rich man who showed you that it ~ really is all possible, if only you believe. Like the stranger who just happened to come along, ~ when you had lost your way. Like the friend who touched your heart, ~ when you didn't think you had one to touch. Angels come in all sizes and shapes, ~ all ages and skin types. Some with freckles, some with dimples, ~ some with wrinkles, some without. They come disguised as friends, enemies, ~ teachers, students, lovers and fools. They don't take life too seriously, ~ They travel light. They leave no forwarding address, ~ They ask nothing in return. They wear sneakers with gossamer wings, ~ They get a deal on dry cleaning. They are hard to find when your eyes are closed, but They are everywhere you look, ~ when you choose to see. ~Aurthur unknown~ Last Updated by Virginia Young on Thursday, 27 February, 2003 at 7:50 PM. SEND MAIL TO virginia ![]() ![]() |