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A Picture of All at the 2000 Reunion

Reunion 2000 Attendance List

Reunion 2002 Attendance Lists

Roxy's Pictures

From 26 Sep 99 until 31 Jul 00 516 people visited this web site!
Since 1 August 2000 until 1 Jun 2002 314 people visited this web site!
Count of visitors on 5 Jun = 0005
Count of visitors on 6 Jun = 0013
Count of visitors on 7 Jun = 0023, but should be 73 daily
Count of visitors on 8 Jun = 0036
Count of visitors on 9 Jun = 0055
Count of visitors on 10 Jun = 0090
Count of visitors on 11 Jun = 0094
Count of visitors on 13 Jun = 0099
Since 2 June 2002 Counter people have visited this web site!
0240|1702Wed06Apr2005=Matt Pachosa

So tell me if you visited this web site.
Please include your name and graduation year!

E-mail Comments, Questions, and Answers to
Matt OC/55 Pachosa at
(Revised Sun, 9 Jun 2002)

                AGENDA for the 12-14 June 2004 Reunion:
6pm until 11pm, Friday, 12 June 2004:
                Gathering at "The Pub" in Electric City.

7am until 8:30 am, Saturday, 13 June 2004
               Breakfast at the "old" Sunset
9am until 1100 am, Saturday, 13 June 2004:
               Walking Tour of Spring Canyon Cemetery by Matt.
11am until 5pm Saturday, 13 June 2004:
               Bring your Own Picnic at Spring Canyon.
5:30 pm until 7 pm Saturday, 13 June 2004:
               Steak Dinner at the Eagles ($7)
7pm until 10pm Saturday, 13 June 2004:
               Discussion Groups at the VAC parking lot
               while waiting for the Laser Light Show to
               begin.[this is for classes who don't want to
               bother with a formal banquet].
10pm until 10:35pm Saturday, 13 June 2004:
               Laser Light Show.

8am until Noon, Sunday, 14 June 2004:
                Good-by Gathering at North Dam Park.
_________________       ______________________        _______________
-----------------       ----------------------        ---------------
Number Code after Name:  1=Fri Pub 2=Sat picnic, 3= Sat Steak 4=Sun North Dam 

Teacher                                           Dick Behrens (in GC)
Teacher                                           Lyman Stamper
Teacher                    _______________________Terry Crabb a:82
Teacher RIP                                       Hazel Cowals a: 95
Teacher RIP                                       ssan 535-38-0012
Teacher RIP                                       Katherine Schilberg a: 94
Teacher RIP                                       ssan 327-20-3945
Teacher RIP                                       Ida Foos (4th GR) a: 90
Teacher RIP                                       ssan 544-16-0430
Teacher RIP                                       Lucy Heidt a: 85
Teacher RIP                                       ssan 539-38-5159
Teacher RIP                                       Herb Carlson a: 65
Teacher RIP                                       ssan 
Teacher RIP                                       Thane Curry a: 64
Teacher RIP                                       ssan 294-12-2942

1950  RIP                                      Jerry Evans (RIP)


1952                                          Ed "Peanuts" Haven (in CD)
1952  RIP                                       Ken Hopkins(RIP)d: Nov 52
1952  RIP                                       Dale Rinker(RIP)d: Nov 52
1952  RIP                                       Jo Ann Farmer(RIP)d: 2001
1952  RIP                                       ssan

1953                                        CC @Gordon Larson (in CD)
1953                                           @Fred Wiese
1953                                           @Gertrude Barrett(Classmates.com)
1953                                           @June Copple     (Classmates.com)
1953                                           Mary Ann Henke (in CD)?
1953  RIP                                      Fred Williams(RIP)d:3Mar00a:
1953  RIP                                      ssan 496 listed

1954                                           AJ Gerard 
1954                                           Bob Gumm  
1954                                           Lila Wagner  
1954                                           Dixie Benton (in DelRio)
1954                                           Roy Rice (in W)
1954                                           Shirley McCoy (in GC)
1954                                           Carla Weaver (in CD)
1954                                           @Ivetta Morgan
1954                                           CC @Ozzie Rose 954                                            Garry Ratliff (?)
1954                                           Patricia Groff*
1954                           ______________  @Allan Hanson*
1954 RIP                                       Dorothy Walker (RIP)
1954 RIP                                       Mereale Lou Wilson(RIP)
1954 RIP                                       Gordon Best(RIP)
1954                                           ssan 15 listed

1955 1-Matt Pachosa*                                  GRADS
1955                     A @Twila Cherry              11 Guys (1-11)
1955                       Donna Muldoon              11 Gals (a-k)
1955-                      B Pat Hilson 
1955                       J Janet Whaley 
1955                       Janie Mettling 
1955                                            Merv Sloan 
1955                                            Karen Cole
1955                                            4 @Jerry Humphrey
1955                                            5 Rick Rose
1955                                            6 Joe Ingalls
1955                                            C Cecilia Good
1955                                            D Eileen Kurth
1955                                            7 Bill Altig*
1955                                            E Phyllis Petersen
1955                                            F @Jerilyn Hagy
1955                                            G Sally Walker
1955                                            9 Bill Rawe
1955                                            H Carol Korpi (in EC?)
1955                          ______________CC_ 2 @Dick Elkins*
1955                          / good            3 Jim Cook *
                              / mailing------->   3839 W Prairie Ave
                              /_address___________Hayden Lake ID  83835
                                                  Send Jim a postcard!
1955                                            I @Nancy Ludolph*
1955                                           11 @Bob Morgan*
1955                                              @Don Cole*
1955                                              Bill Altig*
1955                     _________________________@Nancy Geyer* (6th gr)
1955 RIP                                          Eddie Thomas(RIP)
1955 RIP                                        K Ruby Whitcomb(RIP)
1955 RIP                                          ssan
1955 RIP                                          Else Strickert(RIP)
1955 RIP                                          ssan 537-38-6057
1955 RIP                                          Clyde Pierce(RIP)
1955 RIP                                          ssan
1955 RIP                                          Larry Woodall(RIP)
1955 RIP                                          ssan
1955 RIP                                          Don Sartain(RIP)
1955 RIP                                          ssan
1955 RIP                                          10 Earl Strickert
1955 RIP                                          8 Jack Jasper

1956                         CC  Jake Benton*  
1956                          @Mavis Jurgensen* 
1956                          @Patricia Conley* 
1956                          Darlene Lindor 
1956                          Gail Kusel 
1956                          Herb Young 
1956                          Mae Morey* 
1956                                              Donna Cook*  
1956                                              Ron Overbey* 
1956                                              Pearl Altig* 
1956                                              Lowell Bowman (in EC)
1956                                              Mel Neal (in GC)
1956                                              Roxy Baker
1956                                              Dee Ann Hanford*
1956  RIP                                        Douglas Cole (RIP)d:18Aug97a:59
1956  RIP                                        ssan
1956  RIP                                        Donna Snyder(RIP)
1956  RIP                                        ssan 534-34-9551
1956  RIP                                        Charlie Pierce(RIP)
1956  RIP                                        ssan
1956  RIP                                        Donna Whitney(RIP)
1956  RIP                                        ssan
1956  RIP                                        Alvin Best(RIP)
1956  RIP                                        ssan
1956  RIP                                        Dick Williams(RIP)
1956  RIP                                        ssan
1956  RIP                                        Beryl Warner(RIP)
1956  RIP                                        ssan
1956  RIP                                        Lester Wilson(RIP)
1956  RIP                                        ssan
1956  RIP                                        Gary Wert (RIP)
1956  RIP                                        ssan
1956  RIP                                        Walter Brown (RIP)
1956  RIP                                        ssan

1957                                 CC @Jim Glick* 
1957                                 @Gordon Skaar*
1957                                 Don Cherry*
1957                                 Dwayne Cherry*
1957                                 Don Whaley 
1957                                 Howard Mills

1957                                              Pete Hilson *
1957                                              LeRoy Sandersen (in GC)
1957                                              @Wayne Prochaska
1957                              ----------------
1957                              / Good          Johnny Winegarden
1957                              / Mailing---->  8605 W Campbell Ave
1957                              / Address       Phoenix AZ  85037
1957                              ----------------
1957  RIP                                         Kenneth Pierce (RIP)
1957  RIP                                         ssan
1957  RIP                                         Lee Leahy(RIP)
1957  RIP                                         ssan
1957  RIP                                         Jean Susick Ayling (RIP
1957  RIP                                         ssan

28 1958  Richard Benton 1-2
29 1958  CC @Mick Palanuk 1
30 1958  Dennis Best 2
31 1958  Liz Glick 3
1958                                              Kathleen McNeilly (in CD)
1958                                              Carolyn Bowman (in CD)
1958                                              Val Taylor (in EC)
1958                                              Richard Rice (in GC)
1958                                              Roy Brewer

1958                                              Jeanie Rauch* (in CD)
1958                                              Patty Overbey*
1958                      _____________________
1958  RIP                                      Mary Jo Pachosa (RIP)d:5Jun66a:26
1958  RIP                                      ssan 537-38-7758
1958  RIP                                      Faye Wilson (RIP)
1958  RIP                                      Rick Johnson (RIP)
1958  RIP                                      ssan

1959                                               Kathy Seresun (in GC)
1959                                                Arlene Wheeler ?
1959                                                Gary Cross (in EC)          _________________
1959  RIP                                          Sandra Humphrey (RIP)
1959  RIP                                          ssan
1959  RIP                                          Joe Kelly (RIP)
1959  RIP                                          ssan

1960                           CC Diane Warner*  
1960                            3 @Wayne Snyder 
1960                            4 @Ken Hoke 
1960                            A Judy Lindburgh 
1960                           6 @Skip Gors*    PO Box 589 Manson WA 98831 
1960                                            skipvickie219@aol.com
1960                            Kathy Jackobson* 
1960                                              1 @Bob Pachosa (in GC)
1960                                              2 @Del Sanford (in GC)
1960                                              5 Dennis Wiese (in GC)
1960                                              8 @Don Kurth
1960                                              B Peggy Merriman
1960                                                John Siegwerth (in GC)
1960                                              7 Loren Orr*
1960                                              C  Sheila Jensen
1960                                              9  Lon Carlson
1960                                              10 Duani Korpi
1960                                              11 Larry Palanuk
1960                                              12 Dick Ross
1960                                              14 Melvin Harrell
1960                                              13 Bill Matson* (in GC)
1960                                              D  Stacia Skaar* (in GC)
1960                                              @Rosylin Prochaska*
1960                         _____________________15 @Ben Flowers*
1960  RIP                                            Fred Taylor (RIP)
1960  RIP                                            ssan
1960  RIP                                            Mark Womack (RIP)
1960  RIP                                            ssan

1961                       Lee Muldoon* 961                                              CC Fred Womack
1961                                                 Clea Lacy
1961                                                 Dorothy Manzar
1961                                                 Patricia Allen
1961                                                 Bill Bird
1961                                                 Herb Bird
1961                                                 Larry Brenchley
1961                         ________________________Nolan Harrell (in EC)
1961  RIP                                            Linda Adams(RIP)
1961  RIP                                            ssan
1961  RIP                                            Joyce Kuykendall RIP
1961  RIP                                            ssan
1961  RIP                                            Keith Orr RIP
1961  RIP                                            ssan
1961  RIP                                            Ron Sieker RIP
1961  RIP                                            ssan

1962                         Tom Benton 1-2
1962                        Sharon Horton 2
1962                                          CC  @Darlene Rice (in GC)
1962                        ______________________Ken Seresun
1962  RIP                                         Lurayn Eylar RIP
1962  RIP                                         ssan

1966  RIP                                        Chuck Perkins (RIP)
1966  RIP                                        ssan
1967  RIP                                        Sandy Humphrey(RIP)d13Dec01a:52
1967  RIP                                        ssan 539-50-3874

* = heard from or about

http://www.grandcouleedam.org  For Lodging
http://www.findagrave.com  Wilbur and Spring Canyon Cemeteries
http://www.grandcoulee.com  "The Star" Newspaper.
http://www.ancestry.com/ssdi  Social Security Death Index with 61 Milion Names

Please visit each of the Classes at their web site below:

Note: Go to Class of 1955 site to see names for this picture:

Teachers (Updated 1 Oct 99)
Class of 1936/45 (Updated 20May02)
Class of 1949 (Updated 26 Sep 99)
Class of 1950 (Updated 6 May 2001)
Class of 1951 (Updated 26 Sep 99)
Class of 1952 (Updated 2 AUG 2000)
Class of 1953 (Updated 27 Sep 99)
Class of 1954 (Updated 1 Oct 99)
Class of 1955 (Updated 2Jun02)
Class of 1956 (Updated 20May02)
Class of 1957 (Updated 27 Sep 99)
Class of 1958 (Updated 27 Sep 99)
Class of 1959 (Updated 26 Sep 99)
Class of 1960 (Updated 20May92)
Class of 1961(Updated 20May02)
Class of 1962(Updated 25 Sep 99)


6pm until 11pm, Friday, 21 July 2000: 

                Meeting at "The Pub" in Electric City.

11am until 5pm Saturday, 22 July 2000: 

                Bring your Own Picnic at Spring Canyon.

7pm until 10pm Saturday, 22 July 2000: 

                Discussion Groups at the VAC parking lot while
                waiting for the Laser Light Show to begin.
                [this is for classes who don't want to bother with
                 a formal banquet]

10pm until 10:35pm Saturday, 22 July 2000:

                Laser Light Show.

8am until Noon, Sunday, 23 July 2000: 

                Brunch at the Golden Goose (Formerly the Wild 
                Life Cafe).



Back Row (Standing): 1. Teacher Terry Crabb, 2. Laurel 52 Bultman, 3. Bob 55 Halk, 4. Gary 56 Wert, 5. Pat 53 Short, 6. Norm 51 Larson, 7. Tom 51? Rowan, 8. Tony 51 Auby, 9. Skinny 52 Thomas, 10. Earl 51 Groff, 11. Earl 55 Strickert, 12. Marilyn 56 Brinken, 13. Frank, 51 Eylar, 14. Ted 51 Siek, 15. Don 51 Peterson.

Front Row (Sitting): 16. Carolyn 52 Carlson, 17. Nancy 53 Wagner, 18. Matt 55 Pachosa, 19. Rosalie 55 Markham, 20. Marilyn 52 Eylar, 21. Dorothy 53 Sheedy, 22. Roy 52 Bernd, 23. Betty 52 Klundt, 24. Joanne 52 Brink, 25. Mildred 54 Jaeger, 26. June 53 Copple, 27. Joanne 52 Fischer, 28. Mary 52 Whaley, 29. Nine 52 Cleek, 30. Sandra 52 Haggard, 31. Don 55? Price 32. Harvey 52 Henke, 33. Walter 55 Cooper, 34. Norma 54 Detillion, 35. Eddie 55 Thomas.

July 2000 Reunion Attendees Now

Spring Canyon Cemetery

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