Melissa's Miniature Schnauzers!
Wolfgang Amadeus aka Wolf
MillyWilly aka Milly
1984? - 1998
~Pound dog extradinaire, beloved baby, the sweetest of miniature Schnauzers~
May your spirit live inside us and guide us for the rest of our days.
It has been dark, dreary, too humid, and drizzling.
Suddenly and without warning
the sun breaks through. Its tender rays wrap MillyWilly's legs in healing
The heat spreads up her arthritic legs into her degenerating
spinal disks,
freeing her from the pain she has suffered for the last three
years. As the pain
dissipates, her brain clears from the fog that has clouded
her thought processes
this last year. Miraculously, as her thinking centers,
her eyes grow sharper and she can
hear her Papa calling. Running now on
strong, sturdy legs she trots toward her car
which takes her to her favorite
park, where years before she and her Mama walked
miles chasing squirrels,
meeting friends, and enjoying the passing of the seasons.
Sure enough, Mama is
there, holding out loving arms. Wolfie no longer needs to guide
her way, but
is now running happily beside her, barely able to keep up. Words like
squirrel and dog suddenly have a long lost meaning and evoke dancing
After an extended chase, water is offered in her bowl -- cool and
Treats are to be enjoyed, too. The car door opens once again and
as she rides down
the highway, the windows are wide open. Her little snout
pushes into the wind,
her beard flying like a halo around her head. It's a
wonderful day! Such joy she brings
to those who love her and watch her romp
and play. She, who always demonstrates
true acts of courage, fierce
determination, and constancy of spirit for others to
emulate, is now free.
She, who gives her love so unstintingly, is the best dog any
human could ever
have. She sees tears in her papa's eyes. She hears her mama
softly crying.
She barks now to them to tell them she is happy. She is her old self.
They must remember how wonderful it has all been and once again is.

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