In Loving Memory of Schwarz
our beloved 'boy-boy', 'puggy boo-boo',
constant shadow, lap warmer and ice-cream-dish washer.
Departed for Rainbow Bridge on August 28, 1998, aged 14.
Run softly, sweet baby, find Norman.
In the wind, Hope
on an earthnight sleepless
that you have arrived
at a cloudgarden
where the wind urges
you smile
to warm our hearts
We love you
Leslie Sim (Schwarz's dad)
- Adi in Singapore
- Spock
- will always hold her Schwarz close in her heart (see above)
- John Perkins in the great state of Texas! (
- the Shelties!
- Cupid, the chatterdog
- Pris th' Pest
- Sugar
- Amigo (Sugar's son)
- Fancy
- Black Magic
- Lil Shycago
- Stony - named for St Anthony, patron saint of lost things, including dogs :)
- Yogi
- Evelyn
- Butch
- Minnie Mae
- Trailer - named cuz this is where he was dropped off (did he git LUCKY or WUT???)
- llamas, donkeys, cow & calf, mini horses & pigs&lizards&turtlesfishbirds...WHEW!
(but no lions or tigers or bears?? OH MY!)
- Micki of New York (
- Sadie - the "2 year old pure chihuahua terror [SIC]"
- will always remember Zipper, the rescue toy fox terrier/chi, who went to the Bridge in March '99
- Virginia from Minnesota ( is owned by
- Bandit - her 13 y.o. Keeshond ("the Lovehond")
- Nik - a 16 y.o. Pomeranian
- and will forever have the everlasting love of Samantha, who went to the Bridge January 2, 1999.
- Zelda's Zoo in San Francisco ( includes
- Samantha - 18.5 y.o. corgie/terrier
- Perky - toy fox terrier who's 15
- Farley Farlini - Welsh Corgi/chihuahua (4 y.o.)
- Rosie Bailey - Cocker/chihuahua, the baby at just 4.5
- Emily - schnauzer/terrier, about 10, still a guestimate
- Muffie May, the 14 y.o. teacup poodle
- and, in memorium, Queenie, the beagle mix who went to The Bridge April, 2000.
- Elaine, Detroit (
- Muffett - Lab mutt, 42 lb and 10 y.o.
- Portnoy AKA Port - Chesapeake Bay retriever, F, 15 y.o.
- Midnight - chow/spaniel, her 7 y.o.
- Laura in Cincinnati has a houseful too!
- the Chihuahuas
- Tippy - 11.5 y.o. F
- Pokey - 8.5 y.o. F
- Phoenix - 7 y.o.
- Molly the Peskie Eskie - her ~fierce~ 8 y.o. mini American Eskimo
- Sammie - the 10.5 y.o. Bichon Frise
- Melissa of Kansas City, MO
- Wolfie (Wolfgang Amadeus) - the rescue mini-schnauzer that's over 9 lbs
- Fritzy - the/our? baby mini-schnauzer
- will never forget her MillyWilly, mini-schnauzer Extraordinaire
- Nancy's White Shepherds reside in Gaithersburg, MD (
- Enchanter - he's the stud for 4 litters
- Nirvana - she's the mom of those 4 litters (but is fixed now)
- Jimmicone - kept from the first litter
- Stardust - also kept from the first litter but has a 'bad heart'
- Peff lives and works in New York City!
- Harry - is 12 and was Peff's son's 10th b-day gift. When her son went off to the
'computer wars' [ed.note.: HAHAHAHA:)!!!], she got to keep him!
- Rosie - teeny 4 y.o. white poodle with apricot strands in her ears
- Emily and her li'l luvmuffins write to us from San Francisco as well.
- Babycakes (Cakes) - the Chihuahua
- Frannie Mae - the Schnauzer
- Wiggles
- Mary
- Rachel's lovely lurchers live in Cheshire in the U.K.:
- From Pittsburgh, PA, we hear from Linne
- Cheryl and her Goldy 'Trievers
- Lorraine
another Sheltie??!!
- Dakota
We are honored to have been selected for
