Pat's Home Page

Welcome to my Internet home.
This is where I come to get some respite
from the realities of life with four adolescent sons.
(I have two daughters as well,
but they're older and no longer a constant presence.
By education and training, I am a Registered Nurse;
several years ago I returned to school to earn my B.S.N.
Circumstances do not permit me to work outside my home.
As I try to find a job I can do at home,
the computer and the internet have saved my sanity.
Brainteasers, mazes, all sorts of puzzles have long fascinated me.
Genealogy provides an unending trail of clues, false turns and pieces
that almost-but not quite fit.
Genealogy can provide an education in who we are
and how we became to be who we are. It also provides
an opportunity to learn a great deal about culture, religion,
geography and language as well as history.
While my Genealogy Page will be the primary focus of my website,
I plan, as time permits, to include pages devoted
to my children,
to Lead Poisoning Prevention,
and to several of my many interests.

Pat's Genealogy Page My Children Photographs (genealogy)


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Patricia Griffiths
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