Trisha's Little Corner
Some of my writing, thoughts and favorites:

I'm a 57 (almost 58 - ARGH) yr old lady with 3 grown children and four (and 1/2) beautiful grand-children.  Oh .. I also have one grand-dog!  LOL

I have been divorced since 1995 and am still looking for Mr. Right.

If you are looking for a thin, model type as a "trophy" on your arm, keep looking.  If you are not shallow in your thinking and are mature enough to want to talk with and possibly meet a woman who is honest, loyal, caring, loving and REAL, then I could be the one you're looking for.
In My Own Little Corner
Friends For Life
Cloudeight Stationery
Just Lil' Ole Me
Name: Trisha

Can't stand liars

Really dislike shallow people and/or fakes

Misuse of words (your - you're; then - than. etc.) or incorrect spelling is irritating when done in a professional or posted site setting

People without a sense of humor ... Laughter is the BEST medicine for any ailment!
You be YOU and I'll be ME; then maybe together it will be WE!