Hi all welcome to my picture place. Hope you enjoy!!!!
I will be adding more as I get them.
My cuddle bunny and I.
The Karaoke King. He's not a baby anymore but ... Isn't he a cutie pie!!
Two of my angels. Hmmm ok well maybe she is a little evil but I still love her lots.
They are both growing up so fast, Wow where does the time go?
Daddy's girl?? Ofcourse she is what lil girl isn't.
Mousercat, my other baby. I have had her for almost 15 yrs.
Shauna has a puppy named Charlie he's a cute lil thing.
I also have 18 lil fishes from goldfish to beta to algae eaters to water loaches, yup they are all in one great big tank and it's sooo realxing just to sit and watch them chasing each other.
Cindy's Big Day
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Last update August 2005
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