Home of 'Behind the Green Door Railroad'
Welcome to the New Site for the Behind the Green Door Railroad!! This site is here to show the fun and interesting things that can be accomplished in N-Scale. Take a look around and see how we Got Started. There's only a handful of Operators for the layout, which also meet weekly for Construction and operations. From here on out there will have periodic updates on our Layout including photos of our progress.
We'd like to thank Robert Chambers for giving up his HO Layout so that our project could begin. Without him and his location, we would probably be just be working on modules and admiring everyone else's home layouts. Thanks again Robert!!!!
Latest News
Last updated -- August 29, 2000
I have finally got a picture of Robert up with his Onion Creek Engine.
It is really awesome. Check it out...
Well my moving is still underway. I have a
found a two bedroom apartment to live in and the spare room.....layout!!! I think I
will be leaving Texas towards the end of September. Although it will be sad I have
met some gentlemen in the GVRS N-Trak club in MSP. This will aid in my transistion
and allow me to continue with my N-Trak module.
The photo and changes will be up around the middle of September, before I leave. So be sure to check back or drop us a line.....
I still need to get up some images of the foam core and the foothill. Many new buildings are coming soon as well. In addition, my new focus will be on adding many images that have been lost, but our now found....like benchwork. I'm also thinking of added a new look to the site, but that depends if I can stop travelling for a while and really sit down and have at it. Check back and stay tuned. As always drop me or Bruce a line. We love to get input from other railroaders.
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