
Kids', Parenting, Christian, Coupons, Other Cool Sites


Kid Stuff

CTW Family Workshop - Home of Sesame Street
Sesame Street Central, preschool playground, parents' toolbox, more
PBS Kids
games, TV sites for PBS kids' shows, preschool area
Time for Teletubbies!
playground, photos, make & do, coloring pages, downloadable pictures and sounds, parents' pages
crafts, coloring, storytime, art, games, preschool "Rainbow Room"
Mott's Cyber Orchard
kids' games, fun city, speak out; parents' place; family tree
TONS of links to kid-safe sites, including crafts, games, toys, science, history, reference, more
BillyBear's Playground
loaded with games, puzzles, clipart, links, more
chat, music, games, poetry, lyrics, animation, graphics, draw
Nick Jr.
games and activities with Blue, Little Bear, and more
Fun Stuff for Kids
tons of links to kids'sites
Idea Box
early childhood education and activity resources - lots of great ideas
Toys R Us Kids Site
coloring, puzzles, word jumbles, dress-up game
Pooh's Little House
great site for Pooh fans with games, activities, songs
National Zoo Webcams
see elephants, rhinos, lions, orangutans, and naked mole rats - LIVE
Lackawanna Express - Asgard Station
for trainlovers - lots of pictures of real and model trains

red ball Parenting Links

Crayola Family Play
hundreds of activities to do with your kids
February '98 Babies Homepage
links to personal pages of mommies with babies born in February '98
reassurance, support, and validation for mothers
Parenting Babies and Toddlers
tips, ideas, chat room, bulletin board for parents of young children
Mothers at Home
organization dedicated to supporting the choice of mothers who wish to be at home
Children's Product and Toy Recall
reports of recall warnings

red ball Christian Links

Focus on the Family
with Dr. James Dobson - Q&A, Parents' Place - news, advice and resources
MidSouth Christian
Bible study, homeschool, dating, kids, teens, info for the entire family
Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod
online devotions, family issues, kids and teens resources and games
A Prairie Home Companion
listen online, behind-the-scenes, sound effects, archived skits
Lutheran Family Association - Family Connection
a family support and resource newsletter
Discovery Series Booklets
Bible resources to help you discover the truths of the Bible and grow through personal study

red ball Coupons and Freebies

Freehound freeware
free software and more
Free Shop
free samples, trial issues, demos, coupons, catalogs, etc.
eSmarts Internet Coupons
national and local retail coupons, grocery coupons
supermarket coupons

red ball Other Cool Links

Urban Legends
what stories are true and which are urban legend?
Movie Goofs
Internet Movie Database - look for goofs in your favorite movies
Car Talk
Tom and Rag Magliozzi from the humorous Public Radio show
Michael Feldman's Whad'Ya Know?
about the radio show, features, quiz, poll, shop
Bat Conservation International
bats are not blind, not rodents, and won't get tangled in your hair. Learn more truths here.
Better Homes and Gardens
on-line magazine
Pathfinder Boards
choose from hundreds of boards to find ones matching your interests
AnyWho Directories
search for people, business, toll-free, or web sites (using one of 6 search engines)


Graphics and Audio Links

Return to My Three Sons
Jacob's Page
Ben's Page
Nick's Page
Karen's Page

Don's Site
Sister-in-Law Mary's Site


If any links are not working, or you have a suggested link for me to check out,
send me an e-mail.

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