Welcome to our Guestbook!
Thanks for signing!
Leanne - 03/25/00 11:27:10
My Email:flackgl@bigpond.com
State/Country: Australia
Would you be interested in having a personal homepage designed?: no thanks
You have 3 beautiful little boys, you must be very proud. I have 3 boys also. Jamie (12 Nov 1994, Corey 27 July 1996 and Benjamin 18 Dec 1999.
Michelle - 11/06/99 21:56:49
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/jmcoen/mhcoen.html
State/Country: Chicago
How did you find my site?: Parent Station
What a beautiful family you have! Your three boys are just adorable. Thanks for sharing~
ed - 11/03/99 07:18:48
My URL:http://hames.ourfamily.com
My Email:bamafanforlife@aol.com
State/Country: alabama/usa
How did you find my site?: just surfing around
How many children do you have?: 3 boys
Would you be interested in having a personal homepage designed?: no
nice page.
phyllis (livie's mom) - 08/01/99 16:27:46
What beautiful children! All three boys are absoutely adorable. Phyllis
Tom Mc Coy - 06/23/99 13:42:31
My Email:Prisoner23423@StatePrison.ohio.gov
State/Country: Ohio - USA
How did you find my site?: Surf
Would you be interested in having a personal homepage designed?: Yes
I was surfing looking for an old Cell mate of mine and I found your page. Your page is really nice. It makes me long for the outside world.
Can you help me design a www page for me. I would like to include a web cam in my page, that would take a pic every 30 seconds in my cell. The warden said it was ok.
Tom Mc Coy
Ohio State Prisoner
Julie aka Budgirl - 04/17/99 14:06:23
How did you find my site?: Feb 98 board
How many children do you have?: one
Would you be interested in having a personal homepage designed?: have one :)
Karen -
I really love the updates. The boys look so happy. You are doing a fabulous job with this. The home page background pic is super. I think you will do well in this field - GO FOR IT!!!
Cheryl - 04/15/99 21:12:02
My URL:/heartland/village/4255
My Email:scnfreeman@cwix.com
State/Country: Alabama
I love your web page it is great. The boys are adorable!! See you on the SAHM's board.
Michelle A - 04/15/99 15:46:22
My URL:http://geocities.com/heartland/park/5871
My Email:chris320@earthlink.net
State/Country: Florida/USA
How did you find my site?: Through the Parenttime site
You did a great job on your page!!
Aunt Mary Ann - 03/29/99 22:45:06
My Email:girshner@aol.com
State/Country: Fenton, MO
How did you find my site?: You're my niece!
Would you be interested in having a personal homepage designed?: Yes ... I think
Don - 03/27/99 22:21:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Meadows/1967/
State/Country: MO
How did you find my site?: DW's site
Would you be interested in having a personal homepage designed?: yes
Just wanted to see what pictures of the boys you've added lately.
- 03/20/99 16:44:16 | Comments: |
Mary - 03/18/99 04:40:54 | Comments: Hey, I like the new wallpaper of the boys! But I still don't hear any music...are you SURE you have music on here... Great job! |
Gail - 03/08/99 15:36:38 My Email:gail.a.rice@boeing.com | Comments: Karen, I've been reading the Parenttime 24-36 month board for the last month, but haven't posted. I noticed in a recent post that you live in St. Louis. I live in Edwardsville, IL and have a 25 month old named Jacob! Gail |
Linda - 03/07/99 15:34:19 My Email:Mu32lan@aol.com | Comments: It's Linda from the toddler board. What a beautiful family you are! |
Robert Smith - 02/18/99 20:42:40 | Comments: work with Don. nice page! where does he get his jokes! |
penny smith - 02/17/99 14:54:13 My Email:penny_smith@co.frederick.md.us | Comments: Karen, Just wanted to check out your updated pictures. The boys are so adorable! Nick is really growing up, isn't he? You did a great job with this! Talk to you soon, Penny |
Marley - 01/26/99 16:07:15 My URL:http://www.connect.ab.ca/~mickwa/ My Email:marley@connect.ab.ca | Comments: Hi Karen, you have three handsome boys! We enjoyed looking at all their pictures and hope to see more of them growing up. Keep up the good work! |
Mary Girshner - 01/25/99 15:30:04 My Email:holytrin@arkansas.net | Comments: Man, you do good work!!! I wanted to check and see if you got this guest book working. Very nice...I like all the colors on your WEB site. Thanks for fixing up mine. It is great. I really love the angels with the spools. This WEB stuff is just too cool! Mike is talking about getting Internet at home. I am not sure our computer can do it...486 with 8MG??? Josh says it would be too slow...we still have 3.1, but I have some NET software that says it would do it on 3.1 so I may try it when I get energetic an fell like hooking up all the lines, etc. Anyway, your site is cool. Due to you, my site is cool. We all have cool sites! Whoopee. Talk at you later. mary |
Ralph McCarthy - 01/24/99 22:44:07 My Email:Kirbee@ix.netcom.com | Comments: Great page, it's almost like I'm there. |
Great Aunt Mary Ann - 01/22/99 15:08:05 My Email:girshner@intecnet.net | Comments: What a family! Growing like weeds. I guess this is the 21st century's scrapbook, heh? Love the pictures. Got some free time in February ... love to babysit ... what about Valentine's Day? |
Don - 01/12/99 20:36:01 | Comments: Your boys are beautiful. You must have a very handsome husband to get boys that nice looking. |
Katie - 01/12/99 11:41:42 My Email:Holly1294@aol.com | Comments: Great pictures of the boys! Give them my love. Aunt Katie |
Katie - 01/12/99 11:39:52 My Email:Holly1294@aol.com | Comments: Great pictures of the boys! Give them my love. Aunt Katie |
Amanda - 01/09/99 04:06:39 My Email:amandab140@aol.com | Comments: Just checking it out! |
Jean Ann - 01/07/99 22:25:03 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/6191 My Email:SKY2616@aol.com | Comments: Hi - Thanks for stopping by my site. I love having guests. Your boys are absolutely adorable. I havent been posting on the boards in a while but I plan on stopping by soon. I have to catch up on how everyone's doing. Glad you joined the bunch. See yo at toddler talk. |
Mary Maneikis - 01/07/99 03:15:33 My Email:mmaneiki@hps.k12.mi.us | Comments: Great page, Karen! I've seen a lot of the pictures from Janet, but you sure have a bunch of cuties! Maybe I'll get to see the real thing someday. Janet told me to check the site to see my pride and joy, Becca-boo. Mary M. |
Briana Straub - 01/07/99 01:59:07 My Email:strauberry@hotmail.com | Comments: Jacob has grown so much! But I am sure that you knew that. I'm glad to see you are doing well. |
Janet (mom of Rebecca) - 01/06/99 16:47:44 | Comments: I love all of the new pictures!! Especially the one of Jacob and Becca (of course!) I will have to tell all to visit and take a look! What! No Christmas music? :) |
cathy sernick - 01/05/99 15:06:01 My Email:sernick@pilot.msu.edu | Comments: Hi Karen, Remember me, I work with Fred Nurnberger. I am at MSU. I worked with Don in Climatology. Your page is cute. You should so proud of "Your Three Sons"!! Cathy Sernick |
Amy & Anna - 01/04/99 14:37:11 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ar/Mallhopper/index.html My Email:Mallhopper@aol.com | Comments: Great site!! Love the "My Three Son's" theme!! Weclome to our Toddler Board....we're happy to have ya!! |
Dawn White - 01/04/99 03:16:18 My Email:turtle@warwick.net | Comments: Karen, What a handsome group of young boys you have. Keep us sending the great pictures. Dawn from the feb. boards. |
steve maneikis - 12/24/98 13:49:43 | Comments: |
Cynthia V - 12/24/98 03:08:30 My Email:lindymom@swbell.net | Comments: Your three boys are adorable. I want to have at least three kids myself, and I might space them about like you did. Am I nuts? I bet you have lots of fun. I look forward to seeing more pictures when you get your scanner. |
Janet - 12/21/98 20:46:41 | Comments: I love the pictures of the boys! I especially like the one of "Nick and Grandma"! Merry Christmas-see you soon! |
Janet - 12/21/98 20:43:45 | Comments: |
Mom G. - 12/21/98 14:47:04 My Email:girsh@tqci.net | Comments: I love the pictures. |
Dyan Higgins - 12/16/98 01:40:05 My Email:peanut19@warwick.net | Comments: Karen-The are so beautiful! You must have so much fun with them--Keep the pics coming--See ya on the Feb boards--Dyan |
Julie Reid - 12/15/98 18:04:03 My Email:dandjreid@juno.com | Comments: The boys are just adorable. What is your connection to Valpo? One of my best friends graduated from there. I'm a Concordia Irvine grad. Hope the lead paint all works out. Keep those pics coming! |
Victoria Meyer-Wade - 12/15/98 06:43:32 My URL:http://members.tripod.com/wadeville_Iowa My Email:SAHWebMommies | Comments:![]() |
Libby & Kendra - 12/14/98 23:10:21 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/village/3750 My Email:kendragrace@msn.com | Comments: Karen, you're doing a great job so far! I can't wait to see more pictures. Let us know when you get it updated. Talk to you on the boards! |
Don - 12/14/98 22:47:18 | Comments: Wow, Karen! I'm the first to sign your guest book. |
- 12/14/98 21:37:22 | Comments: |