My Three Sons
This site is dedicated to my three sons, Jacob, Benjamin and Nicholas,
ages 5, 4, and 2. Each has his own page and an individual picture page.
If you want to find out more about me, see Mom's page. Also be sure to
check out our favorite links! If you are building
your own web page, I have links to graphics and audio sites you may want
to check out.
Don't forget to sign the guestbook!
Last update 9/16/00
Here is a current picture:
Jacob's Page
Benjamin's Page
Nicholas's Page
Mom's Page
Easter '99 photos!
Links Page
includes kids', parenting, Christian, coupons, and other cool links
Graphics and Audio Links
links to graphics, animation, and audio for your web pages
Husband Don's Site
about the Great Lakes, matchbook collecting, and the outdoors
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Since January 1, 1999
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