My Family Tree
I have been interested in genealogy and researching my family tree since the Summer of 1998. In just a short time, with the help of relatives, the Internet and other resources such as the Clayton Library in Houston, Texas and numerous LDS microfilms, I have some of my lines traced back to the 800's, and others only to the 1800's due to issues, such as adoption.
Surnames I am researching and the areas where they lived:
- Cross: Southeast TX; Brandon, Rutland County, VT and New England
- Wilkerson: Polk County, TX; Clarke and Marengo Counties, AL
- Derrich(often mispelled with a "K" instead of the "H"): Lavaca, Colorado, Fayette, Gonzales, Wharton and other TX Counties; Grosglockarddorf and Rudelzau, Germany
- Baier: Lavaca County, TX; Bernau, Germany
- Berckenhoff (alternately spelt without the "C"): Colorado, Fayette, and Lavaca Counties, TX; Datteln, Westfalen, Germany
- Pechacek: Colorado and Lavaca Counties, TX
- Mitchel (alternately spelt with an additional "L": Lavaca and Bexar Counties, TX
- Raska: Lavaca and Wharton Counties, TX
- Hajek: Colorado, Lavaca and surrounding Counties, TX; Recklinghausen, Germany; Volsovice/Olsovice and Zbudov, Bohemia
- Greive (alternately spelt "Grieve"): Lavaca County, TX
- Janecek: Colorado, Lavaca, and surrounding Counties, TX
- Brosch: Lavaca County, TX; Habendorf, Austria; Oldenburg, Germany
- Dolejsi: Lavaca County, TX
- Bleier: Lavaca County, TX
My 3rd Great Grandparents from Ireland

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