Welcome to my Guestbook!

Michael Day - 03/27/00 00:21:54
My Email:sooty@visto.com

Hello Nora What a wonderfull homepage you have. Will look at it more often. Yours Sooty ICQ 12112490 From New Zealand.

Betty Jane - 03/06/00 00:58:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/colosseum/court/2018
My Email:bware@ametro.net

I enjoyed the visit. I'd like to invite you to visit my website. Hope you'll sign my guestbook too. P.S. I liked your poetry.

solo - 02/04/00 21:22:32
My Email:solo@albers.demon.nl


Paniccos - 11/14/99 13:44:18
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa/ashia
My Email:christoudias@cytanet.com.cy

Well done Nora....bravo....and a very nice link you got there...

Jim - 10/08/99 04:22:23

Just checked out your site and really like the improvements and updates. Your doing a fantasic job NeNeeLynn keep up the good work and I will be back to this wonderful site.

jimmy's big brother - 10/08/99 00:07:01
My Email:rplatt@athenet.net

it must be nice to be important enough to have a home page about yourself. see ya soon.

Jim - 09/28/99 05:46:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Shop/1265/index.html
My Email:jim109@earthlink.net

Neneelynn, Your page is very enlightning and very interesting. Keep up the good work. We all need more people like you around. Very Nice

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