1856 through 1919

As recorded at the Lyon County Courthouse

Copies of the original marriage records maybe obtained by contacting the Flint Hills Genealogical Society either by regular mail, or email. The original marriage record often contains the name, spouse, place of residence at time of marriage, place of marriage, and name of person performing the ceremony. The marriage index is available in printed form, which also list the record book and page number. There are 4 volumes covering the following years:

1856 - 1889 in Volume 1
1890 - 1899 in Volume 2
1900 - 1909 in Volume 3
1910 - 1919 in Volume 4

Contact the genealogical society for more details.

Flint Hills Genealogical Society

P. O. Box 555

Emporia, KS 66865-0555

Email us at:

The Lyon County Marriage Records
along with a lot of other Lyon County Records and information is now on the
Flint Hills Genealogical Society web page at :

Flint Hills Genealogical Society Home Page

Visit the Lyon County, Kansas Genweb site


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Last updated January 2004