We are very proud of the accomplishments of all our participants, and are looking forward to another year of creative thinking. We go where the ideas lie. Come find out what the fun is all about!
Some important 2003 CV IMAGINE! dates to remember:
Coaches' Meetings
Coaches' meetings take place at Karen Spence's home at 7:00 p.m. Don't miss these important opportunities for training and discussion of this year's Challenges. All coaches and assistant coaches are welcome.
Coaches' Meeting Dates:
November TBD |
December TBD |
January TBD |
February TBD |
March TBD |
Tuesday, November 18th
"Rising Star" (formerly known as "Primary") Information night for grades K-2.
Monday, October 6th, 2003
Meet the Team night at 7:00 pm at Wyandot. Bring your T-shirt designs. We will be voting for the design of t-shirts to be worn by the whole school district in this year's competitions.
Wednesday, October 1st, 2003
Try-outs. Guidelines for new and returning participants: CVI! students who have tried out 2 times and competed at regional competition twice, don't have to try out again. Everyone else does. Here's the good news--trying out is fun too! Just drop in between 6:00 and 8:30 pm. at Wyandot. It will take about 20 minutes. (If it's impossible to make this date, call Karen spence at 286-8077 for special arrangements prior to 10/5. Thank you for your cooperation.
Monday, September 15th and Monday, September 22nd, 2003
Information nights (for grades 3-12): at Wyandot Middle School, multipurpose room. Come to either of the sessions at 7:00 p.m. Wyandot is just north of 17 Mile on the East side of Garfield. Parents and students are welcome or even just parents, if they're investigating the wonderful opportunity that this program presents to bright and creative students. Note: An Information Night is planned for Primary level(K-2nd) and will be announced here later. Stay tuned.
Destination: ImagiNation International Website
Michigan Creativity Association
Click here for pictures of DI kids having fun!
© 2000 dennisginnard@netscape.net