To my links page
Hello, my name is Sharon, and I live in the state of Massachusetts with my husband, George, and our two daughters, Shannon and Elizabeth. I have many interests including: cooking and baking, gardening, crocheting, embroidery, latch hooking, and being with my family.
As of October, 2002, we moved to beautiful midcoast Maine, where I used to spend all my summers with my family! Sadly, my beloved husband developed lung cancer, and passed away May 1st of 2005. He is very much missed by us all!
In December of 1997 I discovered the internet,
and found a new hobby to add to my other ones.
Somehow, I found my way to the Excite chat
rooms, and soon downloaded the Virtual Places
Software. There I met many wonderful people,
some which we have met in person; these people
have become some of our closest friends! I met
another woman who taught me how to make these
pages, and to her I owe a deep debt of gratitude
for her inspiration and patience: without her, I
may never have attempted this at all. Thanks, sis!!
Many of my pages contain useful resources on
a variety of subjects, others are just plain
fun! I hope you enjoy these pages as you
browse through them. Please feel free to
send any comments either through email,
or by signing my guestbook! Also, if you
would like to link to my pages, let me know.
My pages:
And here is a new room to come when you feel like being
TOTALLY silly with your friends!!
Here is a collection of my favorite poems
which I have collected!!
Again, I will be adding more as time permits!
Pease enjoy them, and let me know what you think.
Please visit my holiday pages:

Take a look at my garden:
There are several pages for this current year, so be sure to see them both
I have found a great page with all kinds
of information for both beginners and
novices. Please check it out!
There are all kinds of Webrings available
with a wide range of information;
If you are looking for something
special, try looking in the Web Directory

Thanks for visiting


If you have a site you would like to see added here, or have any comments, feel free to email me at:

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Created June 16, 1999
Updated March 4, 2006
