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Jennifer Hall McCoy
Hello and welcome to yet another of my homepages!  I originally started out on Geocities and so I am kind of back.  I still have my Flannel Hippos site but it is just for business stuff now and more personal stuff is here!   For those of you who do not know me - my name is Jennifer and I live in Central Illinois!  I am married (8 years now!) to a wonderful man!  Darren and I met in a Microbiology class (some 12 years ago!) which was taught by our dear friend Mr. Puetz!  We now have two wonderful, Meaghan who is almost 4 and Nathaniel who is 1 1/2 years old.  Plus in our home we have the newest addition to our family - Daisy - a beautiful Cocker Spaniel - who has won her way into our hearts!
Visit My Flannel Hippos Web Site
I am very interested in Children and Natural Parenting!  Although most of you that know me will say that what I am REALLY interested in is Ebay and the Computer!  I guess I am.  But I am also interested in Attachment Parenting, Stay-at-Home Moms,Cloth Diapers, Homebirth, Family Bed, Circumcision,  Breastfeeding, LaLecheLeague, and much much more!
I currently helped start a family support group in my area.  It is called Natural Family Living.  We have an email list and we meet "in real ife" about once a week.  So, as you can assume this keeps me pretty busy.  It has been wonderful for us though.  I truly feel "at home" and have met some really amazing people whom I am proud to call my friends!  I don't think I could ever express what this group has done for me.   To learn more about our group go to our webpage and/or join our egroups list.  We would love to have you!

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