Come in an grab a seat. Lee and I would like to share a few special moments in our family with you. A few stories we have gathered from place's we have been. Some pictures that we think express feelings that everyone can feel. There are some silly pictures of our four legged kids also.
Please sit back and enjoy looking around. Hope there is something here that makes your day a little bit brighter than before you came.
I have added a new page to the list, it is called Feelings. This new page is rather sad but very important to many people out here. It is about an unnecessary death. One that should never of happened.
PLEASE read this page, not because I wrote it but, because of the message in it. If you would like to add anything to it or have any suggestions please e-mail me and I will add it to the page or start a new one. Or, if you just want to make a comment about any of my pages, please feel free to send that also. THANK YOU.
Please come back and visit often & check out our other pages.