Hi, I'm Adam and I'm the littlest big boy of the Randall household. I will be four in the year 2001. I was actually born at home in some nice warm water...sure was a peaceful way to enter the world. But life changed quickly when my older brother, Matthew, had his cancer relapse when I was 2 months old. Life was pretty stressful then!
I'm talking alot now and can count to ten and know my ABC's. I love Mickey Mouse...he's my favorite! We went to Disneyland this year and I had so much fun! I want to go back there again soon.
My most favorite thing to do is play with my big brothers, although we don't always get along...but that's OK...I just belt out one of my really high-pitched screams and then I get what I want because no one can stand that noise!
Some of my favorite characters are Pokemon, Rug Rats, and Arthur. I love to play outside on my playground or play Nintendo when it's cold or rainy outside. I really like football and baseball. As a matter of fact, I can yell "Touchdown!". I went to my very first Seattle Mariner's baseball game in the new Safeco field this year. It was a lot of fun! We ate REALLY big hotdogs and the best part was that the Mariner's won!
Thanks for visiting my page! I had fun with you...check back again soon! |