A place for sharing information on the
canoe trip experiences, techniques and plans of a small group of keen
Most of our canoeing group
live in London, Ontario, Canada, and make several wilderness trips a year.
Ontario is blessed with some of the best canoeing country in the world, and
we love wilderness camping. We're glad to share what we've learned, and your
comments, questions and suggestions are welcome -
Email me at doug.elliott@yahoo.com
This site is currently undergoing a major formatting change, as well as the
'year end' processing where we get the trip logs for 1999 recorded, and start
the planning for a new year. While I'm in demolition mode, I'll give you
some direct pointers to areas of interest to disguise the mess:
Who we are: Email links to our canoeing consortium |
Nifty Stuff: a list of tips and tricks we've learned along the way |
Our Trip Planning Secret: the menu and gear list spreadsheet |
Related Stuff: web links of interest |
Top Map Tips: Handy ways to figure what maps you need |
Summary of past trips: Archives: history & trip logs of various voyages |
An Illustrated Trip Log: Dads & Daughters trip - summer of '99 |
The ELLIOTT Oven: A do it yourself camping oven that actually works |
Reflections: camping poetry & trivia |
OK, here comes the messy part - you've been warned.
Click for planning status for this year's trips :
99 Elliott's and Trudeau's
-never occurred because we didn't get organized
in time. We'll do better next year.
99 "Clean up a Canoe Route" Trip
Planning Status for 99A: Rabbit/Reuben Lakes, Temagami
-5 day weekend, early in year
-current conspirators: Larry, Doug & Jim
-base camp at cottage in Rabbit L, 20 minute paddle from put-in
(we owe Larry's friend the cottage owner several beverages!)
-may spend time on Reuben L. to avoid motorboats
-portage looks to be about 500 metres. (maps have 1 KM grid)
-main top map piece, from 31 L 13 (need to scroll
-northern extension, from 31 M 4 (need to scroll
down & to right)
-(maps need a little more work - too big & too compressed.)
-notice that there's a rough road leading to Reuben L. and a cottage on an
-top map info is from 1990 and 1994 - pretty up-to-date
-Doug's threatening to attempt baking - you've been warned
-Larry's fish map says there's lake trout in Reuben L., and lotsa species
in Rabbit
Planning Status
for 99B: Algonquin Access 28, Brain Lake
(already in the archives)
Planning Status for 99C, Dads & Daughters
(alrady in the archives)
Planning Status for 99D, Fall Fishing
-nothing planned yet - inspirations welcome
-Doug's pondering the 'clean up a route' theme of the Go With the River folks,
-This trip was planned for the October 25 weekend, to the Ragged Lake area
south of highway 69 in Algonquin park. However, various work committments
made it impractical, and we reluctantly cancelled the trip.
to Leclair home page. Please
notify me at
doug.elliott@yahoo.com if you have suggestions or corrections for this site.
- Here's to flat lakes and portages.