
Family Tree

ATTENTION: Norah Kennedy
I AM reveiving your messages but you are not receiving mine, please check your bulk email folder and add my email to your address book!

sendername = norah kennedy
senderemail = kennedyxxxxx@yahoo.com
address = xxx xxxxx xxxxxx,new hampton
stateprov = iowa,xxxxx
country = usa
message = i have written before and haven't heard back from you...my mother is the only grandchild of malcolm and christine MacGillivray.she is 90 but very sharp and has lots of information on her branch of the clan....i don't think i must be reaching you because i haven't heard back after reading that you were looking for her and i wrote you...pleases get back to us soon.thank you.

"My Way"

April 18, 2008 - In loving memory of my brother, my friend and my idol, Terry MacGillivray. Please stop a moment to appreciate the music (My Way) and memory of this wonderful man's life. I really miss him.
Linda S. (Webmaster)
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Just droppin' by? Stop and say hello! Please sign my guest book at bottom of this page. Are you a MacGillivray descendant? I'm always looking for accurate information to improve the family tree and would love to hear from you!!

Duncan MacGillivray Family

Duncan & Christie(McLeod) McGillivray

Names Within This Tree

Adam N. MacGillivray (6)
Allan MacGillivray(2)
Allan(Daisy) McGillivray(3)
Alex MacGillivray(4)
Andrea D. MacGillivray (6)
Archiebald (Elsie) MacGillivray(4)
Archiebald(Beulah) MacGillivray(4)
Archiebald "Dean"(Margaret*) MacGillivray(5)
Beverly McGillivray/(4)
Bill MacGillivray(4) Brent MacGillivray
Calvin MacGillivray(8)
Chad McGillivray(4)
Christie Ann MacGillivray/Robert Warren(3)
Christine MacGillivray(3)
Curtis MacGillivray(7)
Dan MacGillivray(3)
Daniel MacGillivray
Della MacGillivray/Garnet Freebury(4)
DeWayne Glen McGillivray(5)
Don MacGillivray(4)
Donald John MacGillivray(3)
Donald John(Sarah) MacGillivray
Donald Rory MacGillivray(2) Donald Stuart MacGillivray(6)
Donell Norman McGillivray(5)
Duncan(Delphemia) MacGillivray(3)
Duncan (the Blacksmith) McGillivray(2)
Emily MacGillivray (7)
Glen McGillivray(4)
Hazel MacGillivray(4)
Hazel MacGillivray
Harold Allen McGillivray(5)
Janet MacGillivray(6)
Jessie MacGillivray(4)
Joel L. MacGillivray (7)
John MacGillivray(6)
John Derroch(Maggie) MacGillivray(3)
Note: Maggie is also a MacGillivray Parents: Donald Rory(Henrietta MacMillan) MacGillivray
John Sr.(Mary) MacGillivray(2)
Note: Mary is also a MacGillivray Parents: unknown
John (May) McGillivray(3)
John Donald(Violet) MacGillivray(4)
John Duncan MacGillivray(3)
John Onslow(Audrey Cook*) MacGillivray(5)
Julie Elizabeth MacGillivray/Keith Oss(7)
Laurie MacGillivray/(6)
Lesley J. MacGillivray (6)
Linda MacGillivray/Neil Smyth(6)
Lodovic MacGillivray(4)
Mabel Rose McGillivray/Albert Munroe(5)
Malcolm D.(Angela Laughton) MacGillivray*(5)
Malcolm D. MacGillivray(6)
Malcolm D.(Christine McLarty) MacGillivray(3)
Malcolm(Ada) MacGillivray(3)
Malcolm(Gloria Enger*) MacGillivray(4)
Malcolm(Helen Chisholm) MacGillivray(1)
Malcolm Rory (Sarah) MacGillivray(2)
Note: Sarah is also a MacGillivray Parents: Unknown
Margaret (Maggie) MacGillivray(3)
Mary Ellen McGillivray (6)
Mary MacGillivray/John Chapin(3)
Mary McGillivray/Len Martin(3)
Mary Helen MacGllivray/Oscar Thompson(4)
Mathew MacGillivray(6)
Michael L. MacGillivray (6)
Mildred Sadie McGillivray/Leonard Palm(5)
Minnie MacGillivray/(4)
Murdoch MacGillivray(3)
Murdoch J. MacGillivray(3)
Murdoch James(Hazel) MacGillivray(4)
Neil (Edith Mandick) MacGillivray*(5)
Neal Charles McGillivray(5)
Nellie MacGillivray/Hollis Guyett(4)
Norman John McGillivray/Ellen Thompson(4)
Norman Duncan MacGillivray(3)
Pamela Bea MacGillivray/Greg Gill(7)
Patricia Lynn MacGillivray?Mark Cheyne(7)
Patricia Marie McGillivray(5)
Sarah MacGillivray/Will Johnson(3)
Sheila Mae McGillivray(5)
Susan(Samantha) MacGillivray/Gary Chalupa*(5)
Richard MacGillivray(8)
Robert Clyde MacGillivray(6)
Robert(Shirley*) MacGillivray*(5)
Roderick(Margaret) MacGillivray
Roger Dean(Dianna Ross) MacGillivray(6)
Rory Archie (Margaret) MacGillivray(1)
Ruby B. McGillivray/Charles Myers(4)
Ruth MacGillivray(4)
Ruthven MacGillivray(4)
Terence John(Valerie) MacGillivray(6)
Thos MacGillivray(4)
Verda MacGillivray*/Mike Young*(5)
Warren Terence MacGillivray(7)
William John McGillivray(5)
Kelly Adams(6)
Mary/Gary Anderson
Irma Johnson (twin)(5)
Mamie Johnson/Floyd Bender(5)
Tinie Johnson/Elmer Hammer(5)
Irene Johnson/Alvin Bjorkman(4)
William Johnson(twin)/Violet(5)
Aaron Chalupa(6)
Alisha Chalupa(6)
Kira Chalupa(6)
Kevin Chalupa(6)
Michael Chalupa(6)
Grace Chapin/(4)
Hubert Chapin(4)
John Chapin(4)
Lois Chapin/(4)
Maimie Chapin(4)
Margaret Chapin(4)
Mert Chapin(4)
Thelma Chapin(4)
Liam Cheyne (8)
Nora Kennedy
Norma Freebury/Doug Rintoul(6)
David Clark Martin(6)
Eva Martin/(4)
Harland Leonard Martin/Lucille June(4)
Helen Martin/(4)
Lester Martin(4)
Richard Harland Martin((6)
Jean McGelky
Margaret McIntosh/MacGillivray(1)
Kourtney Alex Oss(8)
Jayden Jewel Oss(8)
Kwentyn Trent Oss(8)
Bette Jane Palm(6)
Mary Kay Palm(6)
Donna Rintoul/Dean Cole(6)
Eleanor Rintoul/(6)
Mark Rintoul(6)
Jayden Andrew Schuler(8)
David Wayne Smyth(7)
Dennis Alexander Smyth/Andrea Schuler(7)
Hayden Alexander Smyth(8)
Jacqueline Violet Smyth/Danny A. Schuler(7)
Jennifer Marie Smyth(7)
Mayah Leah Smyth(8)
Florence Thompson*/Lyle Adams(5)
Joyce Thompson*/Thompson(5)
Mary Thompson/Hillman(6)
Dean Warren(4)
Harris Warren(4)
Bryan Young(6)
Cameron Young(6)
Diana Young(6)
Nora Young(6)

Legend: Not all of the 170 names (so far) listed above have been entered into the tree as yet. The number in brackets after the name indicates the generation starting with the first generation known in North America. Example, Allan MacGillivray(2) is from the second generation. Members from the first four generations but 3 and approximately 10% of the fifth generation have gone on before us. Members in the fifth generation marked with an * are known to be alive and well. All members of the Sixth, Seventh and Eighth generations listed here are alive and well. Recent information has revealed that one of the branches of the tree, following from "Duncan the Blacksmith", had changed the spelling of MacGillivray to McGillivray upon arrival in South Dakota. The reason for this change is unknown. New information has just come in from Maggie MacGillivray's side of the family!! Our tree is really growing thanks to all you MacGillivray's out there! Thanks so much to you all!!

The following is a guide to the approximate era for each generation:

First Generation: Late1700's - 1860's
Second Generation: 1830's - 1930's
Third Generation: 1860's - 1960's
Fourth Generation:1890's - 1990's
Fifth Generation: 1900's - 2045's
Sixth Generation: 1944's - 2050's
Seventh Generation: 1969's - 2069's
Eighth Generation: 1996's - 2096's

MacGillivray Family Tree

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Updated April 7, 2009

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