Patricia and Willards Page

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We have a log home in the hills of Eastern Kentucky and have been married 29 years.We have one beautiful daughter and 3 dogs and 4 cats.As you see I am a cat lover.If you are ever in Jackson,Kentucky come and visit us.

Willard's hobby is building on his home and digging ginseng in the hills were we live. Paticia's hobbies are learning how to search the net and make a home page. Here is a picture of our house. It was took sometime back but it looks much better now.

This a picture of my daughter,Crystal and me. She lives in Texas. Please visit her home page on the link below.


My Favorite Links!

Great Freebies Here

Care-Mail E-Greeting Cards

Best of the 60s Music

Christys Home Page

Jimmys Home Page

Bay Area Council on Drugs and Alcohol,Inc.

My nephew Alonzos Home Page

Lisa's Home Page


This is my parents and me.This picture was taken in 1952.My mothers name is Jean Bach Barnett and my fathers name is Pearl Barnett.My mother was born January 22,1928 and my father was born April 9th,1919. My full name is Patricia Colleen Barnett Fugate and I was born March 18,1952 in Chicago ILL.

This is Chicky Mama's Page. She is our Community Leader and she gave me this award for my home page. Please visit her home page.

This my diploma from Heartland University.

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