Eulogy for
Lauren Ilyse Edwards
September 15,1982 - November 20, 1998
Written by Bryan, Lauren's brother,
delivered on November 23, 1998 at Lauren's funeral.
My baby sister, Lauren, loved everyone and really knew how to show it. It did not take much for a person to do to have a spot in Laur's big heart. Lauren and I, we were like frick and frack when we were together, alwys laughing at the smallest things. She was and always will be my baby sister and I thank god every day for giving me and everyone else the presence of Lauren. Laur and I always would play our little games like got you last. Over time it became got goo last, but that is a joke between me and laur. Hey laur..GOT GOO last. I know we all miss her but beleive me, she is so happy right now ,we, me, nicole, and Lauren really appreciate how great everyone has been to us. Luckily laur picked me first. I am the first person to have laur in my heart and she is the one giving me all the strength. But I am not the only one she will touch. In order for lauren to be received into your hearts you need to get rid of all the pain in your heart because Laur loved each of us so much that in order for her to be in our hearts she needs all the space you have. I remember when she came home from volleyball camp and I gave her a hug and asked did you learn anything new, and she replied no, but I made a ton of friends. She came home and she said, "hey Bry I was talking to Jessie and Tess at camp". Thank you so much for letting my sister be included. Last summer I never ever saw my baby sister have such a great time doing one thing. She of course was on the traveling softball team. Most of the girls on her team she had only heard their names but after the first practice she loved everyone of them. My sister took so many secrets between us to her grave, just like she had promised, and I know if she lived one hundred years later no one would ever get to know those secrets and I plan to do the same. Lauren gave out so much love I don't think she really knew how to receive. I remember whenever I gave her a hug she would push off but at a certain point she would stop pushing and say "fine" and she would hug back. I think this was her way of testing how much somone loved her, and beleive me I never gave up. We were always so competitive on who was better in sports, it was me of course but I let Laur beleive otherwise. Well she has alot of time to practice and I know when we meet again she is going to kick my butt in everything because she will work at it just like everything else in her life. When my older sister Nicole got home we hugged and she said to me why, I prayed every night that my family would have the best, and something clicked in my head and I said This is the best for our baby sister, she is in a much better place, and she still loves us. That is how I get through my days.
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