Get to Know Me
I'm so glad you've taken the time to surf my site! I hope you've found something that interests you here, maybe a link or a recipe. Have you seen my children's pages? I'm so proud of them! Being a mom is one of the greatest things I've ever done! I enjoy spending time with them and doing things that makes my house more of a home.
Here you will learn more about me - what I do, what things interest me and find links to sites where you can learn even more! Ü
For those of you who already know me, perhaps you will learn something new. If you don't know me very well, maybe this page will help you get to know me a little better. To me, meeting new people is one of life's pleasures. I love meeting new people, and the internet has made the world feel like a smaller place where we can meet people from all over the world!
Most of you probably know my name is Melissa - I use Melly on the internet. I'm a 33 year old wife and mother of two school aged children. Ashley is 15 and Justin is 14. You can learn about them on their own pages!
I've been married to Ken for 16 years. There was a HUGE pause as I thought of what I wanted to say here *lol*. What can I say? Marriage isn't easy, but we have come through the valleys to see the view from the peaks. I wouldn't want to live any other way. He is the love of my life and you could learn more about him if he ever got his page up and running!
That *is* quite the thing isn't it? Web pages. Almost everyone has one these days. For me it's become a real hobby. It's fun to create the pages and actually make them work! Ü
When I'm not working on my web pages I enjoy the email lists I'm on. Have you seen I'm on a few different email lists there. I have met the friendliest women! Full of great ideas, useful tips and all the support I could ask for! Ü
One is called Provider's Playground. It's a wonderful place where childcare providers come together and de-stress! Ü We share ideas, support and friendship. It's a great list!
In my spare time (that's a laugh, isn't it?!) I enjoy scrapbooking. I think it is a great way to display my pictures, make a photo journal of my life and flex my creative muscles!
Here's my very first JPG! We've been online for nearly five years and one of the things people want to know: do you have a picture? This was taken four years ago, but it's me. A little younger, a little thinner, but me! Ü
There are more pictures of me in my family album - follow the link to the Spring Break Photos.
Nice to meet you!