Burton had a smile no matter
what was wrong with him.
He was such a pleasant little boy.
Even in the hospital he would smile.
But while we were at
the hospital my brother Lloyd
who has since died with
cancer also somehow got two
of the Dallas Cowboys to come see him.
Scott Laidlaw and John Fitzgerald.
They gave him a football and signed it..
He was thrilled.
Then later in the month Channel 4 in Dallas
arranged to take him to an exibition
softbal game between the Cowboys and the Rangers.
That is when he met Roger Staubach and Jim Sunberg.
He got a baseball signed by both of them.
It was so hot that summer though and we had to
leave early because he was feeling so bad.
When we realized that the experimental
treatments were not working on
him so we had to go home.
When his birthday came around
he was really into Star Wars.
We made his birthday special by giving him a
cake with Darth Vader on it.
And a friend contacted a radio station and
they brought Darth Vader,
Chewbaca and Yoda there.
The people dressed as the characters
were so good to him.
Didn't treat him any different than any other child.
I am sure that they hurt inside looking at him.
But you would never have known it.
They also had it on the news that night.
He was so special to us.
He never wanted to be treated any different
than any other child.
And though his tumor had gotten
so large he was never in pain.
Sometimes he was afraid that I didn't
want to hold him like I did when he was well.
But I never stopped holding him..
Until this day I still hold him.
The night before he died I had a dream.
And in this dream I saw him so happy.
He was fishing with his dad
who had also died at an early age.
Across the way there was a man in
a scarlet robe smiling at me and telling
me that everything was going to be alright
That Burton would be alright.
And you know I still belive that.
Everyone has angels watching over
them and I believe that my Burton is one of them.
Please sign his guest book so he
will know that you stopped by to say hello.
This is Burton's Birthday Party.
He had a few New Friends to visit
This is Burton's Family Now
All of us on the Fourth of July 1999


Burton's Brother and
Sister's Families today
He would be so proud of them .
I would like to Thank
Helen Mead
for all of her wonderful help
in creating this page for my angel.
She doesn't know what an angel
on earth that she is.
Thank you so much.
May God bless you. And thank you for
the MMIAS page.
It helps with the grieve
and love so much.