
I always wanted two boys and two girls.
Didn't come in that order
but I did get what I wanted.
And like all mother's you look at their
toes, fingers, and every little inch of
their little bodies.
When the nurse brought Burton
into me I checked him out
just like I did the other's only he had
what the Dr. said
was a birthmark on his head
that he said would probably go away in time.
But when he was 4yrs old we
took him to a dermatologist and he removed it.
Sent it to the pathologist and
they said
that it came back benign.
Well 4 yrs later I found
a lump in his neck.
He had it removed
and I will never forget the day that the Dr.
came into the room to see him.
He asked me to step outside and
I knew then there must be something wrong.
And of all things I was there alone.
He looked at me and said
"If we are going to save this boy's life we are
going to
have to send him to M.D.Anderson Hospital."
So I looked at him and said
"So my son has cancer?" It was as if someone
knocked me in the head with a hammer.
Now I was going to have to
tell his brother and sister's.
I believe the hardest one to tell was his sister Kim.
They were like two peas in a pod.
Where she went he went.
They loved each other so.
We went through months
of chemo, surgeries.
Nothing was working.
And the strangest thing is he
knew that he might not make it.
In April of 1980 I got down on my knees and prayed
that God would give me time to get to know
him more and get closer to him.
I didn't ask him to let me keep him forever
just a yr.
The very next day the Dr. called
me and wanted me to take
him to a Dallas hostpital and try an
experimental drug on him.
We were there for 4 months.
He made so many friends there.
They just fell in love with him.
But eventually it
stopped working and we came home.
It was really hard for him being away from his family.
But he was so brave.
We took him back home
and let him basically do what he wanted.
We prayed together,
talked about Jesus and God.
And he knew that it might not be long.
He never complained.
Never had that much pain.
He was so much braver than
I was but he kept me strong.
The day that he left us, his little brother
and sister's came to see him.
Not really knowing what was really going on.
He touched so many hearts and
lives with his
smile, his sparkling eyes,
His laughter and his love.
He didn't want to leave me.
Said that I needed someone to take
care of me.
On that day before he went into a coma,
he raised up in his bed and reached for someone.
I think that I know who it was.
But he fought until the last min.
He fought until I told him that
I loved him very much but it was hurting me
to watch him like that and that
it was ok to let go and go home.
That Jesus was waiting for him.
Ten min. later he took
that one last breath and went home.
I held him until they came to get him.
Sometimes I miss him so much.
But he is always here with me.
I hope that you will
visit his page often
and as you can see it is under construction.
I will be building and adding to this.
I will be having pics of him on here as soon as possible.
You will get to know this wonderful
caring little boy and will love him so much..
I want you to enjoy getting to know him.
Thank you for visiting.
Kay Pitt (Burt's Mom)
My Angel Burt
Do you know how much I miss you
To hold you, touch you and to talk to you
I look at your picture's once in awhile
And my heart is melted again by your smile
I wonder what you would be like today
If God had agreed to let you stay
Would you have been a scholar a preacher
Maybe a singer, a poet , a Dr. or a teacher
I can hear your voice in the wind and the trees
I talk to you all the time in my dreams
The birds that fly up in the sky
Seem to tell me that you
are happy and mom "Please don't cry".
They tell me that someday I will be with you again
So keep my wonderful memories until then
You're my sweet angel watching over me
Until the day God will set me free
Someday my sweet little angel Burt
I'll feel no sadness, no pain nor hurt
We'll walk together hand in hand
And see the beauty in God's land
Until then I'll keep you close in my heart
Knowing we're not really that far apart
You'll touch my face and wipe away the tears
And remind me that Gods time is not like our years
You'll always be my little angel boy
Bringing such love, happiness and joy
I still have that lock of your hair
And knowing my sweet boy you will always be here
I love you Burton Israel Chain II
Written by Kay Pitt
For Burt


This award was given to me from Pocahontas

This Award was given to
me by Rosemarie Kellar

MMIAS Compassion award