Donna Jones
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I am a stay-at-home mom of three. Back in March 2001, Motorola did me a great favor by laying me off. I miss the paycheck but not much else!

Being a full-time mom is one of the hardest jobs I've ever had. Each day can start early and end late, and the chores never end. But being with my three kids full-time is worth it. Also, with three kids five and under, the cost of daycare would wipe out most of any paycheck that I might earn, so staying at home makes sense.
My greatest interest is finding ways to live more cheaply. I have bargain grocery shopping down to a fine art, and I hang our laundry outdoors to dry as often as I can.

I am developing a cookbook of recipes from my family and friends. I already have over 200 recipes in it with more to come. I hope to have it published sometime in 2003. If you might be interested in a copy, e-mail me for more information. You can also e-mail me a copy of your favorite recipe for me to consider including in the book. If I use the recipe, I'll include your name with it!

I also love to read. I subscribe to my favorite magazines so that I always have new reading material coming to me without having to pay single-issue prices. I save my copies of Family Circle and Woman's Day, organizing them by month, so I can go back and re-read them during the appropriate times of the year. After all, a craft project or recipe will be just as good in another year. Also, I can go back to old articles as my interests and needs change.
My husband Greg and I have two children together, and we each have another child from previous marriages.

Timmy (Greg's son) is the oldest. He lives with his mother, and we don't see him very often. That's sad, but we have learned to deal with it.

Nikki (my daughter) is next in line agewise, and she lives with Greg and me. She's one of the smartest kids her age (and I'm not just saying that because I'm her mother!).

Danny is third in line. He's a confident little toddler and a nonstop busybody. Nothing in the house is safe!

Billy is the newest member of our family. He's cute as a button and slowly developing a personality all his own.