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Jim Holderread - 12/07/00 00:05:00
My URL:/addiesgrooming
My Email:addiesdoggrooming@hotmail.com

Very nice site yoou have!

Patricia - 11/12/00 03:54:31
My URL:http://www.patriciaspoodles.org
My Email:Patricia@patriciaspoodles.org

Lovely Poodle Pictures.. I throughly enjoyed looking at them.

Martha - 11/01/00 02:02:43
My Email:eliza57@fuse.net

Just looked at your site and thoroughly enjoyed all the pictures. Keep up the good work,

Martha - 11/01/00 02:02:30
My Email:eliza57@fuse.net

Just looked at your site and thoroughly enjoyed all the pictures. Keep up the good work,

Lou - 10/26/00 11:59:14
My Email:nedair54@yahoo.com

keep up the good work!!!!!!!! hugs and poo kisses Lou

Karen - 10/22/00 18:54:08
My Email:kmorgan1@psesd.org

Hi. I am just browsing.

Vickie Stevens - 10/12/00 02:02:55
My URL:http://www.myfineequine.com
My Email:vickienme@aol.com

Hi. Just surfing through standard poodle pages as I am learning about poodles and preparing to select one in the near future. Love your site. If you would like to visit me I would love to have you ad your link. We offer natural nutrition & care produc s for dogs, cats & horses & people too.

Hannah Rose - 10/02/00 17:23:44
My Email:kavacanne@btinternet.com

I think poodles are brill.(the best dogs ever!!!)

Tim Fetter - 09/03/00 23:50:47
My Email:eightmylestyle@hotmail


C. Moore - 08/31/00 22:49:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/tdmeneuf/ginger.html
My Email:c_moore_bcp@hotmail.com

I am a member of "The Motley Fool" on the WEB. I am known as PoodleLover (singular!) aka Seymore. Glad to find your pages. Later...

Kendra Askew - 08/18/00 05:01:49
My Email:kraskew@hotmail.com

You've got a great website and some very helpful tips. Thanks!

- 07/31/00 12:47:50


Megan Goodwin - 07/10/00 01:06:25
My Email:SGoodwin@peoplepc.com

I have 2 Standard Poodles and think they are the best dogs ever. I can't imagine having any other breed.

Karen - 07/06/00 22:17:25
My Email:Gabbyanny@aol.com

I loved this site!!!!!!! Expecially the pictures. Poodles are just soooo cute! This is my first one. I rescued her from the shelter. She's 12 years old, but, in excellent shape. I just love her to death! She's my "baby". Oh, she's half pomeranian, she's called a poopom! I just laughed my head off when they called her that. When I get a camera I will send a picture. She's so cute! Thanx for the site, Karen

Linda - 06/21/00 02:14:43
My Email:lindasmini@earthlink.net

I have enjoyed looking at your poodles...i have 7 myself...i have just started breeding business. not for the money by any means...but because i love my poodles. i got my first one when the doctor told me i was terminally ill...i decided that i wanted a get well dog. that was last aug. i was ready for a liver transplant if i got any worse. well i am doing much better now and i still have my own liver. I would love to chat with you when you have time. let me know. my aol buddy list name is losborn2 add me

Linda - 06/21/00 02:10:10
My Email:lindasmini@earthlink.net


Lisa Brown - 06/05/00 23:45:19
My Email:kbj@digitalexp.com

I have a five month old toy poodle named snickers. I have a lot of poodle questions and concerns and am looking for any advice I can get. If you have any please feel free to drop me a line.Thanks

Miki Danielson - 05/28/00 09:53:20
My Email:socktoe@emailmsn.com

Love your site. Mike - my 3 yr. old black standard - and Charley - a 1 yr, old black standard, a/k/a Chowley Socktoe because he's a real chowhound and especially likes to chew just the toes off of socks - share my house in St. Paul, MN. Chowley is movin to Boston with my sister in July. Waaah! Especially laughed at the picture of a standard in the bathroom with the toilet paper. Don't I know that trick well........ Mike is the real thief in our house. He deliberately steals my bras and underwear and takes them into the living room, right in ront of the picture window, usually just when I'm ready to put them on. Keep up the good work!

CAM - 05/23/00 22:34:49
My Email:cathyanne.maccormac@uspto.gov

Thanks for your wonderful pictures of poodles. I have a wonderful black standard poodle and want to buy an apricot standard next.

Sherry Healy - 05/22/00 17:39:34
My Email:healy@coollink.net

Cool poodle coat designs!!!

SEXY BIRD - 04/14/00 18:52:39


aryse@aol.com - 04/10/00 21:15:34
My Email:aryse@aol.com

hello--I live in SC and am looking for a solid black toy poodle--do you know of any breeders or where I would search for a list of breeders. Aryse

Sandy - 04/08/00 03:53:42
My Email:hollie@lvcm.com

I love your e-mails, but, I have to work full time and I do not have the time to respond to all...please, take me off of your list! Thanks a lot! I am just too busy! And, I do NOT want 155 e-mails!

Roxanne Elliott - 04/03/00 20:17:47
My URL:http://Furbabies_Furbabies/4
My Email:RLE53@webtv.net

I have an apricot teacup poodle,Rainna,she is 5 years old!!

s belcher - 03/30/00 17:42:35
My Email:rbelcher@planetc.com

We also have a poodle and we love him to death, he is a silver tip toy poodle and is spoiled rotten. he is 3 years old. hope to hear from you poodlelovers thanks for these pic. love them all s~

Pebbles2000 - 03/29/00 19:29:34
My Email:RLE53@webtv.net

I have an apricot teacup poodle,Rainna,she is 5 years old,I love poodles!This is a great site!!

Teresa - 03/24/00 17:48:23
My Email:starlight35077@hotmail.cm

Those are the cutest pics.I just love the kitty cat.

jacqueline haney - 03/10/00 07:45:12
My Email:rhaney1@prodigy.net


Patricia - 03/06/00 08:03:26
My URL:http://www.wolfheaven.com/poodles/
My Email:poodles@doglover.com

Great site... and Great list.

josh - 02/08/00 00:50:08
My Email:JDMT1.@msn.com


Ceci 2 / 4 / 00 - 02/05/00 01:31:43

I loved your web page especially your photos and your dogs names . I have 15 of my own their names are Conac , Scarlett , Olie , Red , Sergei , Athena , Lucy , Cinder , Rosemary , Betty Boop ,Mona Lisa , Brandy , Orange Blossom and Isabell . I'll keep looking for your web page and keep up the good work .

Ceci 2 / 4 / 00 - 02/05/00 01:31:24

I loved your web page especially your photos and your dogs names . I have 15 of my own their names are Conac , Scarlett , Olie , Red , Sergei , Athena , Lucy , Cinder , Rosemary , Betty Boop ,Mona Lisa , Brandy , Orange Blossom and Isabell . I'll keep looking for your web page and keep up the good work .

Fifi Champers - 02/01/00 16:32:22
My URL:http://www.poodleplayground.com
My Email:gerardmeagher@tinet.ie

Hi this is Fifi, I have been a list member for quite some time now and I enjoyed your page. If you would like to read my weekly horoscopes for Poodles, then please visit my Site. Look forward to seeing yo Lotsa Love

Roger Thivierge - 01/25/00 13:31:50
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/riverrat2000/public_html
My Email:riverrat@worldpath.net

Hello to all the Poodlelovers, I am still around, just lurking and reading the list everyday. Still enjoy all the antics of our precious little furkids. Congratulations to Chanel for doing a great job keeping the list a place to enjoy and share life. Will always be in the shadows and keeping tabs, Ariel is great and as spoiled as ever, Marie is jealous because Ariels wardrobe has put hers to shame. Roger

Nancy Baker - 01/24/00 16:57:11
My Email:jackb@west.GA.net

Love to look at all the "poodley" photos. Have moved from Fla. to Atlanta and our little toys are COLD. Nancy & Jack Baker NANJAC toys

Dawn - 01/19/00 01:10:46

I think your site is one of the best Ive ever seen. I love your poodle mascot cat! Very unique and special. Keep up the good work!

Lisa - 01/14/00 22:59:42
My Email:RaggedyAnn@worldnet.att.net

You all have very beautiful poos. I am eager to get one of my own in due time.

Poo-Too/Jack&Sam - 01/05/00 22:23:05
My Email:rnsnell@qserve.net

It was fun to visit you today and we will be back.Jack is about 11 years, a black mini and his brother, Sam is a 6 year old white standard, they asked "Mommy" to type for them because they just had their nails done and wanted to nap with "Daddy". They sen their love.

Fifi Champers - 11/15/99 09:42:39
My URL:http://www.poodleplayground.com
My Email:fifi@poodleplayground.com

Nice pics. Keep up the good work. You can visit me at my site and maybe chat to other Poodles if you like. Lotsa Love Fi

Greyfun`s kennel - 11/02/99 08:50:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/greyfuns/index.htm

Hi! Nice pages!Keep up the good work!

Dorothy Eveland - 10/25/99 10:54:08
My Email:de1619@svic.net

Cute site Rhonnie. I like it. Well done!

Chrissy - 09/04/99 23:18:49
My URL:http://mitglied.tripod.de/Chrissybe/index.htm
My Email:chrissybe@gmx.de

I love your page. It is so cute. I am a poodle in black and tan and you can visit me,too.<>

Ulla Ojanlatva - 08/15/99 19:09:36
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/Ulriikka/Sivu1.html
My Email:uoja@hotmail.com

Lovely pages! Great pictures.

P L - 08/09/99 14:30:23

Hi, I have a black standard poodle named Daisy. She is 3 yrs old. What a doll. I think she was a human in a previous time. I couldn't imagine life without her now. If I had a bigger house and yard I would have more standard poodles.... PL

Steve Frank - 07/02/99 12:33:15
My Email:SEF826@AOL.com

lovely page...we have a 10yo black Standard named Molly

Tania Van Deusen - 06/07/99 16:48:49
My Email:taniavd@aol.com

My sweet poodle is named Vavi. She is a white miniature poodle, 2 years old now and a native of Brazil - she is biligual - Portuguese and English. I brought her to the States when she was 4 months old. I am madly in love with her.

- 02/24/99 03:19:51


- 01/22/99 09:29:21


andi Curl - 12/16/98 01:12:55
My Email:acurl@swbell.net


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