Alayna's Garden

As of July 6, 2005...

We've been a busy group and are getting into this traveling-with-two-children thing. We've just returned from Kansas and Alayna's family reunion. For the record, there was a storm that was just like the Wizard of Oz only without the tornado.

Brian's still working hard. He's taking over the Junior High ministry at church (Alayna's girls have moved up and the new group is more guys than girls). He's also coaching/captaining (is that a word?) the church softball team and doing a great job! So far this season it's been almost a shut-out. We've been shut-out of all but one game! But we're having fun and getting to know folks from church who we wouldn't have such a good opportunity to hang out with otherwise.

Alayna's just spending the summer making trouble and helping the kids make trouble. She spends a lot of time with friends from church and running errands. Her flower beds aren't quite what she'd like this year, but that just means there's room for improvement. She also spends a lot of time listening to her favorite band, Third Day and is just chomping at the bit to see them in October in downtown D.C. FYI: She is a-LAY-nuh Gomer, when it comes to Third Day.

Bryce is still into construction equipment. His bedtime prayers include, "Thank you Jesus for scoops, thank you for excavators, thank you for cranes..."

He's trying to teach Audrey words, too. When he hears an airplane overhead, he likes to say, "Audrey, say words: air plane." To which she replies, "Dah."

Audrey's communicating very well already. She has learned simple sign language for things like "please" and "more." She also understands things like, "Audrey, you need to sit down." Of course, "No" has become optional.

Audrey recently received a pair of hand-me-down shoes from cousin Joy that she adores! They're blue suede-ish with velcro. She's much too small for them, but she wears them around the house anyhow. Usually just one shoe at a time, though.

There's lots more to share, but that's about all I can type for now. We'll try to have some new pics up soon. At least the header graphic is updated! :)

Hope all's well with you, too. Enjoy checking out the site.

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           -Brian, Alayna, Bryce and Audrey Patterson