Homepage for Betty & Leslie Smith

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WE ARE DISCONTINUING THIS HOME PAGE...our new page is located at: http://betandles.tripod.com . Please visit us there.

We are Betty and Leslie Smith.

We were married in 1951 (Leslie says "Betty is my first wife !"--Of course, he also says "She's my favorite wife !"). Betty is originally from Pawhuska, Oklahoma, but after moving to Texas in 1945, she calls Odessa, Texas "home". Leslie was born in Hot Springs, Arkansas...moved to Murfreesboro, Tennessee in 1943...and to Little Rock, Arkansas (which he calls "home") in 1946. Betty graduated from Odessa High School, and Leslie from Central High School in Little Rock--both of us in 1949.

As fellow students at Hardin Simmons University in Abilene, Texas, we met and fell in love.

Betty was in the Hendrick Memorial School of Nursing there, and Leslie attended the University. We were married in Dallas about a year after we met (at age 19 !). Leslie earned his Bachelor's Degree in 1954 from Ouachita Baptist University in Arkadelphia, Arkansas, and his Master's degree from Southwestern Seminary in Ft. Worth, Texas in 1957.

Leslie retired in 1994 from a nearly 40-year span of pastoring five Southern Baptist Churches in Arkansas and Texas....Archview, Little Rock,Ark., 1957-58....First Baptist,Altheimer, Ark.1958-61...Rosedale, Little Rock, Ark., 1961-66...First Baptist Church, Pecos, Tx. 1966-78 (their web site is: http://www.mo.quik.com/grace/fbc/, and his last pastorate (16 years) was the Parkhills Baptist Church 1978-94 in San Antonio (their web site is: http://www.parkhills.org/ ).

Both Leslie and Betty serve, on a volunteer basis, with the Baptist Child and Family Services Foundation of San Antonio, Luling, and Tyler, Texas. From 1995-99, he served as Director of Denominational Relations with the BCFS Foundation, and now is the North Texas Representative (again, as a volunteer) for BCFS, working with churches, Baptist Associations,and the Baptist General Convention of Texas. After living for 22 years in San Antonio, we moved to Arlington, Texas in September, 1999.

Leslie has been a radio amateur ("ham") for 40 years, and holds the Advanced Class License. His "call" is KB5RM

Betty has served the past forty years as a pastor's wife, homemaker, mother, grandmother, and retired in 1996 from working part-time as a Doctor's assistant. She has served alongside Leslie during the many years of ministry, working with Young People and, in recent years, with Senior Adults. She's a very outgoing person (Leslie is, as he puts it, "much more subdued !"), and has been a tremendous asset as a pastor's wife through the years (Leslie said that...and everyone he knows says that ! In fact, at one church we served, when it came time to move to another...the deacons said, "Les, it's o.k. for you to leave....just don't take Betty"). We celebrated our 50th Wedding Anniversary July 25th, 2001, on board the Norwegian Wind Cruise Ship to Alaska, a gift from our two daughters.

We have two children,born just 11 months apart. Both of them live nearby us in Arlington. DEBRA has two daughters: Stacy (Stacy graduated from Texas Tech in Spring, 2000, and was married May 27,2000..She and her husband Russ have one son.) and Melissa, who lives in South Carolina with her husband Josh. She teaches school. Debra is a Registered Nurse. SHARON and her husband Bruce live (as does Debra and her husband)"just down the street from us", and she has two sons: Michael and Christopher. Both of our grandsons work--Michael in Dallas and Chris in Arlington. Chris and his wife Jill have one child. Sharon has a Degree in Business and owns her own computer-based business "CompuSolutions" in Arlington.

Betty's mother moved to San Antonio from Odessa in 1986, after Betty's father died, and both of us helped care for her until her death in 1995. Her parents were natives of Oklahoma, but moved to Odessa in 1945 working for Phillips Petroleum Co. until 1947, when they bought an Apartment Complex. They operated the Complex until shortly before his death. Leslie's mom is still living in Little Rock, Arkansas, as does his youngest brother Leland and his wife Sue. Their two daughters are married, and also live in Little Rock. Leslie's sister Inel lives in Conway, and her children live in Vilonia, AR, Little Rock, and Austin TX. Leslie's other brother Lawrence passed away April 3, 1999. His family lives in Louisana, in and around Shreveport. Leslie's father was a lawyer and served two terms (as the youngest member in history) in the Arkansas House of Representatives. His mother was an artist until her retirement. She is 101 years YOUNG, and has excellent health ! Leslie says: "Man, I hope I have a few of her genes !".

Betty's brother,Dr. J.B. Fowler and his wife Wanda moved to San Antonio from Albuquerque, New Mexico where he served as Editor of the BAPTIST NEW MEXICAN Newspaper for 13 years. They have two sons:Bruce, who lives with his wife Sherry in San Antonio; and David, who lives with his wife Sunny in New York City. Betty also has a younger brother, Dr. Ron Fowler, who lives in Clovis, New Mexico.

A few years ago, Betty "re-found" some cousins she had known and been friends with in her childhood...They all live in Bartlesville, Oklahoma: Rita, George, Virgil, and Ruth Ann.

We are members of First Baptist Church of Arlington, and active in our Sunday School Department at FBC.

We both love to travel We both love rocky road ice cream, computing, our family, our friends , our Lord Jesus Christ, & life !

Betty and I are "Moderate Baptists", as opposed to the infamous (for many of us) "Fundamentalist Baptists".

We are on AOL INSTANT MESSENGER, ICQ, MSN MESSENGER, and YAHOO!MESSENGER (with Voice Chat and our Video Camera) most of the time. If you want our I.D.'s for these, just ask ! We also have INTERNET PHONE, INTEL VIDEO PHONE,and NETMEETING,all complete with audio/camera...would love to "hook up with you"...let us know ! Our page is constantly "under construction" (as we all are).

OUR WEB CAM---We do have our own web camera, and if you'd like to "hook up" with us & watch us as well as chat with us, we'd love that ! Please let us know (via one of the chat programs we have, or by eMail) when you'd like to view our cam, and we'll set up a time, eMail you the webcam address, & that'll be fun. Let us know.

We have more than 30 pages of photos that Yahoo forced us to take OFF our Home Page...simply because they "took up too much room"...but, if you have an interest in them, email us for the web address, and we'll send it to you. We also had "clickable links" on ALL the links below, but again Yahoo has become so "sparing" with their web space, they removed all links to any URL outside Yahoo's Geocities. But, we did include the web address for each link...you can "copy & paste" it in or just type in the address as we have it in text. Sorry about that.

We are moving this page to our new Home Page address: http://betandles.tripod.com/ Tripod is much more flexible, and all our links work there...please visit us on that site. We will be discontinuing this site soon ! Note: You won't be able to sign our guestbook, but you can mail us your comments at the address here: (thanks !)

© December, 1998 betles@yahoo.com

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