Patricia's Gardening Gate
McGaheysville, Va

My garden is located in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, about ten miles east of the town of Harrisonburg.  The soil has a large amount of clay and needs regular amendment.  I compost garden waste and use some chicken manure to augment the soil.

This is my second summer of gardening. Last year I grew mostly vegetables and created one test bed for perennials.  In the Fall, I relocated the plants around the yard.  I have also been fortunate to receive donations of plants from friends.

To visit my garden on a monthly basis select from the following links
April in the Garden May in the Garden
Monticello Visit in May June in the Garden
July in the Garden

To explore some of my favorite garden related sites try these links:
Monticello The home of Thomas Jefferson...a lovely Virginia Garden open to the public. An incredible expanse of garden.
Mount Vernon The home of George Washington...another great Virginia Garden open to the public. Magnificent esplanade of fruit trees and boxwood hedged floral and vegetable beds.
The Virginia State Arboretum Owned by the University of Virginia...great classes are offered
Charlottesville Garden Club Superior links to local gardening information.  A listing of local greenhouses and what they offer.  Did Martha Stewart use this reference?  She featured an Afton Mountain greenhouse recently in an article on citrus trees.
The Arboretum at James Madison Has an annual wild plant sale.  Herb garden and daylily beds.  Pond and wildflower walks.
Sherando Roses A list of antique roses offered by this charming and knowledgeable gardener.  Visit his garden tucked up against the Blue Ridge Mountains.  (John Denver was wrong, the Blue Ridge and Shenadoah River are located in Virginia...not West Virginia.)
Gardens.Com Investigate plants and design a bed on-line.
Shepherds Garden Catalog Online Great vegetable and flower catalog.  Many of the plants seen at Monticello are available here.  Wonderful salad seed mixes.
Gardener's Supply Company Burlington, Vt. Information about composting and an on-line catalog. 
The Cook's Garden Catalog Online Great catalog and wonderful test gardens to visit in Vermont.  Featured in several magazines like Country Garden. I plan to try the summer heat salad mix...yum.
DeBaggio Herbs Home Page I first visited the DeBaggio gardens in Arlington with my friend Linda.  What nice people!  They have a great catalog and have moved to the country...Loudon County, Virginia.  Check out the  new lavender border in person during their Lavender Festival.
Andre Viette Farm and Nursery Daylilies and great hostas.  A great place to wander.  I love the perennial beds surrounding mature crabapple trees.  Pretty year round.
Purple Haze Lavender I found this while searching on the Internet for lavender.  I saw it again at the DeBaggio site.  Can you smell the lavender? Information and on-line catalog.
La Dama Maya Herb and Flower Farm These folks are not on-line so drop in for a visit.  They are located on old route 340s outside of Luray, Va. They  offer an Herbalfest and Lavender Day.  Call them for directions at 540-743-4665.  Get on the mailing list for upcoming events.
 Perennial Pleasures Nursery  Located in East Hardwick , Vermont this nursery has a great online catalog of unusual plants.

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