Homework will be posted on this page each day. Students should be writing down each day's homework assignments in their assignment books, but this page will be helpful for students who have a school absence, or who forget their assigment books at school. It will also serve as a resource to parents, so that they can see what we are working on, and what their child might need help with at home. Class time is provided to do most assignments, but students who need extra time to complete things will need to bring those assignments home as homework. It will be updated daily by 4:30 p.m. Included below are some helpful, kid-safe links that might answer homework questions. Have fun!
4C's Homework requirement: 10 minutes of Reading and 10 minutes of Math at least 5 nights per week. Work on any work from school, AR books, AM, and Math Facts: +,-,x,and division!
Illinois pioneer projects are are on display in the library until Friday, March 27th. Then please make arrangements to pick them up.
Easter Break begins at 2:05 Wednesday, April 2009. School resumes on Tuesday, April 2009.
Today is: Monday, March 23,2009
Assignments Due On: Tuesday, March 24,2009
Morning Work: Illinois Venomous Snakes worksheet **Required**
due: Illinois Word Find. **Required**
due: Illinois counties worksheet. **Required**
READING: Passed out new books. No new assignment.
Due:Comprehension worksheets to Chocolate is Missing
Vocabulary and skills worksheets to Chocolate is Missing
*****Work on AR Goals*****.
Terrific Thursday: Illinois famous person reports.
Computer Skills: None
P.E.: none
Music: No assignment
SPELLING: Unit Seventeen: write new words two times each
Unit Seventeen List:
due:Illinois book: Chapter one worksheets are due.
Math: AM
Work on AM.
SCIENCE: Magnet packet: due!
Check out the following links for Homework Help!
SOCIAL STUDIES:Illinois book: Chapter 2...working on now.
ENGLISH: No assignment.
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