Burdett Bugle

All the news that's fit to toot!

Very Early Edition - December 25, 2002 - Volume 10, Issue 1 (Our tenth year)

Wow! This is the 10th anniversary of the Burdett Bugle and still no Pulitzer Prize. Oh well, we hope that this issue finds you in good health. Our Christmas tree is decorated and a few more lights were hung outside today. This year we displayed some electronic bells that play Christmas melodies for our neighbors. We hope that they are enjoying the tunes. For the first time in many years, we expect to spend the holidays in Omaha. Last year Bob and Terry were in Las Vegas visiting Bob's family and Matt was in Maui body surfing. Needless to say, the weather may be cooler this year.

Terry has been busier than ever She officially works 29 hours each week at Trinity Church but usually puts in a few more unofficial hours copying, folding, stuffing and stamping things. She also puts in a few hours each month stocking shelves and building displays at some of the Omaha area Hallmark stores. In her spare time, she enrolled in both Japanese and Spanish language classes during the year.

Terry spent 9 days during April in Philadelphia, as part of a mission team from her church that worked at the USA headquarters of WEC International. Her mission team helped WEC spruce up their "castle" and property for their yearly festival. WEC has 2000 missionary members working in 70 countries. Terry's team also made it up to NYC to visit Ellis Island, Ground Zero, etc.

Terry Burdett acing the "triangle puzzle" at the Cracker Barrel

Bob continues to be a mature member of the unemployed retired. He has been doing a little of this and a little of that but not too much of anything. He is pictured picnicking with Terry, Natsumi (see story below) and Alestin. Bob did take several trips to Las Vegas during the year to help his father move to a new apartment and recover from some medical problems.

People In The News

Matt Burdett is in the middle of his sophomore year at Creighton University. He is taking lots of tough science courses (physics, organic chemistry, biology) this semester and is in the process of applying for admission to the Creighton and University of Nebraska pharmacy schools.

Matt also works several days each week at the Nebraska Furniture Mart, where he is a lead cashier. He seems to enjoy helping the NFM cashiers and customers with their questions and problems. Matt became a big E-bay fan during 2002. He has been buying and selling a lot of sporting goods, guitars, clothes, etc. via the Internet.

In addition to spectator sports (e.g., Nebraska football, Creighton basketball, ESPN), Matt keeps fit by golfing, running, lifting weights and playing tennis. He continues to tutor students at the Hope Center.

Vanessa Kramis flew back to Omaha for a couple of days recently to visit the family. She and her husband recently moved into a new home in Niceville, Florida where she is a pharmaceutical representative for Andrx. Mark continues to fly out of nearby Eglin AFB.

Lisa Watts continues to live in Omaha with "the grandkids". She is currently working as a nail technician and office assistant at a west Omaha podiatrist's office.

Whose hair is finer Vanessa's or Lisa's? Only Emily knows for sure.

Oshimas Enjoying Great-Grandkids!

Mike Oshima is pictured sharing a fishing joke with his great-grandson. It has been a trying year for Mike and his wife. In October, Mutsuko completed the last of 35 radiation treatments for a lung cancer that was detected early. They are both looking forward to the big New Years day dinner.

Jayden and her grandfather did travel to a number of nearby lakes to go swimming during the summer. The water is always fun, as are the trips to the concession stands and nearby Dairy Queen for some after -swim treats. As the weather cooled, Jayden and her grandparents visited Fontennelle Forest, Desoto Bend Wildlife Refuge and attended some winter Christmas concerts and programs

Some Things Never Change!

Chocolate deserts, little boys and their first birthday parties tend to be messy. Jayson (1-5-2002) and Matt (5-3-1984) are pictured above.


Except for the Las Vegas, Maui and Philadelphia trips noted above, the Burdetts stayed pretty close to home during 2002.

Bob and Terry again drove down to St. Louis in March to cheer on the Creighton basketball team during Arch Madness. The Bluejays won the tournament and qualified for "the big dance" for the fourth consecutive year.

In November, Bob and Terry returned to Missouri (Kansas City this time) to watch Creighton win the Guardian Classic basketball tournament. The Bluejays' win over Notre Dame in the championship game and a recent win over BYU got the team ranked in the top 25 for the first time since 1975. The Christmas displays at Kansas City's Union Station and Crown Center were also nice.

Natsumi Visits Omaha

Natsumi Mizuguchi, a high school student from Nagoya City, Japan stayed with the Burdetts for 2-1/2 weeks during the summer as she studied English and experienced the Omaha culture. She was with a group of 20 students from a Christian school in Nagoya City that visited Omaha. Natsumi liked to shop but didn't particularly like riding horses.

Snowman Visits Omaha

Bob and Terry are pictured at right with Frosty the Snowman. Frosty was in Omaha earlier this month for the Trinity Church staff Christmas Party. Frosty noted that he was the only snow in town. Santa and his reindeer may also find some tough sledding on Christmas Day, as no snow is in the current forecast. The drought of 2002 continues to plague Nebraska farmers and ranchers.

Happy 2003 from Bob, Terry and Matt Burdett!