The Burdett Bugle
The Burdett Bugle - Omaha, Nebraska, Volume 7, Issue 1 (Our seventh year)
Motto: All the news that's fit to toot.
With flowers still blooming outside, it is hard to believe that another Christmas is upon us already. Last year Bob, Terry and Matt flew off to Las Vegas and Tacoma for the holidays. This year they are doing things a little differently. They are all scheduled to board the same United Airlines plane in Omaha on December 18th but after landing in Denver, Matt is heading up to see his sister in Washington, while mom and dad head off to Las Vegas. They are also scheduled to reunite in Denver on Christmas Day and return to Omaha together.
Except for the Christmas trips, the Burdetts have stayed pretty close to home during 1999. Bob and Matt traveled to St. Louis in early March to cheer the
Creighton Bluejay basketball team during Arch Madness. The Bluejays won the league tournament and their first round NCAA tournament game. Bob and Terry returned to Missouri (Kansas City) in the fall for a long and fun weekend.The Burdetts did have a few visitors during the year, including Bob's sister Marianne (with husband Roland and son Michael) and Terry's cousin Tom (with wife Sue). Vanessa also made it home for a week.
Bob, Terry and Matt pray that you have a blessed Christmas and a wonderful new millennium.
is still working at Lucent Technologies in Omaha. He has been working on SAP (an enterprise computer system), TL 9000 (a new telecommunications industry quality standard) and Y2K preparation. For kicks, Bob plays golf, tennis and works out at the YMCA. He lost 30 pounds during the year and hopes to lose 10 more pounds soon. Check out these before and after pictures. Bob purchased his third straight black GM automobile (Oldsmobile Alero) during the summer. He is pictured (napkin on head) with his niece Emily during the big Easter Sunday family dinner.TERRY DONS GOLD CROWN
After working seven years at a clerical job at her church, Terry decided it was time for a change during 1999. She is now a part-time sales associate at a new Hallmark Creations card shop in Omaha. She is trained to give you that "wow" experience when you shop at Hallmark.
Terry is
pictured with Maxine (another Hallmark gal). The picture was taken at the Hallmark headquarters in Kansas City.Terry spends a lot of time knitting and working with her fifth-grade girls' Sunday school class. She and her team of teachers do a lot of extra special things with the girls (e.g., father-daughter miniature golf, bus trip downtown, picnic, summer swim party, slumber party at Terry's house). Terry also works with her church's pastoral care team (visits elderly, meals for new moms).
Happy 2000! from Bob, Terry and Matt Burdett
Matt Burdett continues to do a great job at Omaha Burke High School. Matt, a junior, was a member of the Boy's Varsity Tennis team again this year.
Matt was one of five Burke students (30 citywide) that was accepted to participate in the medical academy sponsored by the Methodist School of Nursing.
Each school day Matt spends his first two hours (starting at 6:30 AM) at Methodist Hospital. The academy offers the students an opportunity to earn a nursing certificate, study Anatomy and Physiology, and shadow different medical practitioners. He looks pretty sharp in his lab coat with that stethoscope dangling around his neck.
Matt got his driver's license in May, shortly after turning sixteen. Given his early school hours, mom and dad are glad to be out of the carpool business. Matt recently completed an eight-hour safety driving class, after he was caught driving his 1996 Honda DX a "little too fast" down West Dodge Road.
Matt also works at a local mega-theatre complex (20 Grand) as either an usher or (more often of late) in the ticket booth. His family enjoys the free tickets
and Mark are still living near Tacoma, Washington (Spanaway). Vanessa is in the midst of her senior year at Pacific Lutheran University. She is pulling down some great grades and is on track to graduate next May. Bob, Terry and Matt? are planning to fly to Tacoma for the graduation ceremony. They are all very proud of her. Vanessa still finds time to coach a Tacoma YMCA gymnastics team and has traveled with the team to a couple of out of state meets. She even got to meet Bela Karolyi, the famous gymnastics coach, in California this year. Captain Mark Kramis continues to fly the C-141 StarLifter for the USAF. He flew into both Moscow and Antarctica during 1999. Vanessa and Mark enjoy their two dogs and some occasional camping.Lisa
and Jay continue to live in Omaha. Lisa started her business as a nail tech four years ago and it is going very well. During the winter season, Lisa also works/bartends at their friend's bowling alley. Both jobs are perfect for her, as she is very good at interacting with a variety of people. On her days off she often helps her grandparents with their errands. She is a very good mother, daughter and granddaughter. Jay continues to program computers for FDR and bowls occasional tournaments on the side. He recently racked up another perfect "300" game.Jayden goes to preschool three days a week. She is very happy there and she is learning all kinds of wonderful things. It is hard to believe that Jayden will be in kindergarten next fall.
The Watts added a white kitten (Cosmo) to their household during 1999. The little cat joins the big boxer (George) as the family pets. Did you pick up on the television show character names?
:George and Cosmo (i.e., Kramer) are of course Seinfeld characters.
Matt is
pictured burying Jayden in the sand. Jayden is pictured in her summer beachwear.KEEP IN TOUCH!
1223 N. 145th Plaza, Omaha NE, 68154
402-493-9259 or rburdett@tconl.
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