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These pages are being built and are maintained by Dean C. Hagen. They are dedicated to my parents, OSCAR MELVIN HAGEN & FRANCES LOUISE BERLIN, their  ancestors, their family and their descendants. That should include just about everybody. 

I have not included a separate list of sources to confirm my findings. I have included them in the writings. The hard copies of any census records or documents that are quoted are available in a repository within  my Home Files. When circumstantial evidence is used to suggest a confirmation of data it is noted as being just that; also, if assumptions are made by the author, it is noted and in no way should they be regarded as fact.

Genealogy is a pastime that becomes an obsession. It is never completed, from the first ancestor to the last descendant, there is always something new to discover. I hope you will enjoy your visit and that you will return to see if any new information has been researched.

Click here for genealogical data on the ancestors of Oscar M. Hagen

Click here for genealogical data on the ancestors of Frances L. Berlin

Click here for genealogical data on The Family of Oscar & Frances Berlin/Hagen

Click here for genealogical data on The Ancestors of Virginia A Snowberger Hagen

Questions or comments -- email me at dchagen@chartermi.net