
Welcome to the Lion's Den!

Butterflies Leo eyeing butterflies

April showers bring May flowers!

Flowers are blooming, hummingbirds are humming and butterflies are, uh, buttering I guess. Everything is turning green, pretty and best of all, warm! Thank goodness! In addition, the movies of summer have begun to come out with a bang and with more to come later. Ah, life is GOOD!

Book Reviews:

The Bone Collector
By Jeffrey Deaver

The Big Sleep
By Raymond Chandler

The Sea Wolfe
By Jack London

Black Echo
By Michael Connelly
Movie Reviews:

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Recess: School's Out

O' Brother Where Art Thou?


Spy Kids

The Mexican

Red Rose

About Me and My Pride

A lion's family is call it's Pride and I'm certainly proud of mine. In January 1995 I was blessed with a daughter named Ashley. Ashley, like her Dad, loves the movies, reading, attending church and bike riding. Her favorite food is spinach pizza.

As for me, The most important thing in my life is my faith as a Christian. I gave my heart to Jesus three Sundays before Christmas in December 2002 and doing so has brought me enormous peace and joy! If you'd like to learn more about the Christian faith, and what you would have to do to gain such peace and joy, along with eternal life, then just click on Love Crest Ministry page to learn more. This site is currently under construction though and, while new things will be added as quickly as I can manage.

I love books the way a drunk loves liquor and if you'd like to read my reviews on just a few of the books I've read please click here. I read just about anything, but especially enjoy christian fiction and apologetics, mysteries, biographies, history, science fiction and fantasy.

I also love movies of all types including animated films that I love to take my daughter to see. You can see my reviews for some of the films I've seen at the above page if you want.

Red Rose

Links to some of my favorite sites:

If there is a better site for researching movies then The Internet Movie Database , or IMDb, I haven't found it. If it's related to movies then they have it. They also deserve the credit for the posters that provide the visuals for my movie and video sections since they graciously allowed me to copy these posters from their site for use on mine. One of the internet's quality sites!

Another fine movie site, especially for rumors and news of upcoming events, is Dark Horizons. An excellent site for finding out what's to come in the movie world.


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