
to Kiwi's
Home Page
This site closes on October 26 2009 so please update your links to
"I will bless the Lord
at all times; His praise shall
continually be in my mouth.
My soul
shall make her boast in
the Lord;
let the humble hear it
and be glad.
Magnify the Lord with me
and let us
exalt His name together."
Psalm 34:1-3
This site will close on October 26. Please update links to http://www.seeking-his-face.com
Hi there, for those of you not New Zealanders, a kiwi is a smallish flightless bird that is native to New Zealand, as well
as that furry green and brown fruit.
As for me, I live in New Zealand.
I play bass and acoustic guitar and write a few songs (more
on that later). I love worshipping my God, especially through
I'm really into worship and praise music, and there is some great music being written by New Zealanders!
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