Hi! My name is Cheri. This is going to be an introduction page, so I hope you will not
get too bored. LOL! This is the latest (or should I say newest) picture I have of my husband,
Donny, and myself. We have been happily married for 24 years this coming August 19,2001.
Between us we have seven children, twelve grandchildren and one great grandchild. Yippee!
We have two dogs, both are inside dogs and neither think they are canine. Baby Girl is a heinz 57 but she is such a sweetie. I have had her for 7 years now and don't know what I would do without her. She is spoiled rotten. LOL Peanut is a chihuahua and I have only had him for about 3 months. He is 4 years old but has dug his way deep into my heart. He is a loving dog and is really good with the GrandKids.
We also have a momma cat whom just came to the house and adopted us- well actually, my husband,
who feeds her and her brood every morning. And he claims he doesn't like cats. What a joke!
He calls them his little black puppies who meow. LOL! We live in Texas just outside a little
community call Evant.
My favorite pasttime is my computer, but I do enjoy other things as well. Some of which are
reading- my favorites are mysteries-, craftwork which includes crocheting, cross stitch, and
just about any kind of crafts. I also enjoy gardening and putting up the vegetables we grow,
but I like my flower gardens also and my potted plants.
I enjoy getting my grandchildren and do every chance I get. I have one daughter who lives
close enough that I can get her babies any time I want to, for a little while longer. Her husband just graduated from the Army boot camp and they are going to be stationed in Kentucky. My son, who lives in California, is fixing to move back to Texas, but Texas is a large state and I haven't any idea where he is going to settle in. The rest of my kids are scattered everywhere. I have five grandchildren in Germany and they are supposed to be there for another 6 months or so and then they will be stationed in New York. That is the hard one, because I know I can't see them until they get back in the states. :-( I have two grandchildren in Iowa and 3 in Ft. Worth, TX.
But enough about me. Go ahead and browse through the rest of the pages and please don't forget
to sign my guestbook. I love hearing from you all and will return your visit as soon as I am
able. *Hugs*
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My next to youngest son is in the Army. Donald is stationed in Germany. He has been there close to a two and a half years now and it seems
like forever. He is going to the board next month - May 2001- on his E-5 which will make him a Sargent. I am so very proud of him. He and his family will be coming to the States in about 3 months. They are going to be stationed in New York for now. It seems forever since I have seen them.*VBG*
My Son-in-law, Mike, has just graduated boot camp and the kids will be going to Kentucky after he does his hometown recruiting. Gosh am I going to miss them.
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