Paint Shop Pro Users Group had a Trivia Night (How Much Do You Know About Paintshop Pro?) July 17, 1999. The winner of the Paint Shop Pro Users Group Trivia Contest will be given "GURU STATUS".
Below is the award I won. I guess the various classes I've been taking to learn Paint Shop Pro paid off. I guess I knew more than I thought. It was a very close contest and lots of fun. Hope to see you all at the next one.
If you'd like to see more class work
Thank you Paint Shop Pro Users Group.

I just had to place this newest award near the top of the page. As I told Wendi, I am speechless! I can't thank you enough for this honor and also wish to thank you for the lovely way you have written it up on the
awards page. I
just really don't know what else to say, except that it certainly came as a
very pleasant and unexpected surprise. What a wonderful uplift to my day! Thank you so much, Wendi and PSPUG!

This award also deserves to be at the top of the list. It came as a total surprise to me.
Thank you so much PSPUG and Rhonda. Dec. 2001

I was really pleasantly surprised to receive this Featured Site of the Week award from
Web Club.
Thank you, Diana July 18, 2001
The " Daring Kitten Award " for completing 13 challenges in PSPIZ Challenges.
Web Club name plaque Received March 7, 2001 |
Thank you Diana & Web Club |
Received March 7, 2001 |
Thank you Donna |
Award received from Heartland CL |
Thank you Chicky-ma-ma |

Thank you Heartland Committee Thanks to Frandy for the graphics |

Award received from a wonderful instructor. Thanks for your exuberance Barb |
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