Web Address for this WWW Page: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Garden/1583/
WWW RESOURCES for Advocates of Individuals with Disabilities
Effective advocacy for individuals with disabilities requires up-to-date information.
The World Wide Web is becoming an increasingly effective means of obtaining useful
information. However, a major difficulty can be locating useful information sources
quickly. This page is designed to provide a means for easily accessing specific types of
information or information sources useful to advocates for individuals with disabilities.
Although advocates will generally place their most used and useful links in their
browser's list of favorites or bookmarks, we often find that we need access to information
in an area in which we have not generated our own list of useful sites. This page is
intended to serve as a readily accessible resource in such times.
The page is divided into sections, many of which correspond to areas of emphasis in
advocacy training courses such as Partners in Policymaking. A limited number of the WWW
sites referenced are specific for advocates in Texas.
Use the INDEX to check out sources related to specific areas. Most sites listed show
the sponsors of the page as well as a general description of some of the information that
can be found at that site. Therefore, the Find function of your computer can be used to
locate sources based upon portions of the site names or descriptions. In a Windows
environment, just press <control><f> to bring up the Find function, type in a
word or phrase in the 'Find What' window, and press Find Next.
Inclusion of any of these links should not be construed as an endorsement, explicit or
implied, either of the organization, university, library, government organization,
chapter, method of treatment, or facility itself and/or the information contained within
each world wide web site. .
- Material Collated by: Kenn E. Harding, Texas Partners in Policymaking 1998
- Send suggestions to: harding@tamu.edu
My daughter, who happens to have Down syndrome, has a homepage.
- Last Updated January 9, 1998
Address Information
- Address information for organizations and agencies with Web Sites listed below can be
found from their Web Pages. Specific address information or links to directory information
of organizations of interest to Texas advocates is given here.
- Texas Planning Council on Developmental Disabilities
- Phone: 512-424-4080; 1-800-262-0334 (in Texas); 512-424-4099 TDD
- FAX: 512-424-4097
- E-mail: TXDDC@rehab.state.tx.us
- Texas House of
- Find names and address information from the above web page. You can determine your
representative from this page.
- Texas Senators
- Find names and address information from the above web page.
- U.S. Senate
- U.S. Senate Directory Information
- U.S. House of
- U.S. House Members Directory Information
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General Interest Web Sites
Partners in
Policymaking World Wide Website
- Web Address: http://www.thirdageinc.com/partners/
- Sponsor: Minnesota Developmental Disabilities Council
- Description: Information about Partners in Policymaking. Includes a short Working List
of Resource Links for Partners.
The Family Village
- Web Address: http://www.familyvillage.wisc.edu/
- Sponsor: The Waisman Center at University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Description: The Family Village is a global community that integrates information,
resources, and communication opportunities on the Internet for persons with mental
retardation and other disabilities, their families, and those that provide them services
and supports. It is an attempt to bring together valuable information for parents of
individuals who have disabilities.
NCIP - National Center to Improve
Practice in Special Education Through Technology, Media and Materials
- Web Address: http://www.edc.org/FSC/NCIP/
- Sponsor or Group Sponsor: National Center to Improve Practice in Special Education
Through Technology, Media and Materials
- Description: A collection of information and opportunities to interact with
professionals who are working with students using technology and other resources in
special education. There are opportunities to participate in discussions about technology
use for students with disabilities, on-line discussions with authors of articles published
in the journal, TEACHING Exceptional Children, online workshops on varying topics, and a
library with resources about technology and special education.
- Website: http://disability.com/
- Sponsor: Evan Kemp Associates
- Description: Linking people with disabilities and chronic health conditions to
resources, products, and services that promote active, healthy, independent living.
Finding Help from Learning
Disabilities On-Line
- Web Address: http://www.ldonline.org/finding_help/help.html
- Sponsors: The Learning Disabilities Project at WETA, Washington, D.C. in association
with The Coordinated Campaign for Learning Disabilities.
- Descriptions: Lists National Organizations and Federal Agencies that provide assistance
to people with disabilities and their families. The State Resource Guides located in the
State by State: Government Agencies and Local Organizations section will tell you the
names and addresses of helpful agencies and resources available in your state. The phone
resources, publications, and on-line resources listed below offer other ways to find the
information you need.
Internet Resources for Special Children (IRSC)
- Web Address: http://www.irsc.org/
- Description: Information relating to the needs of children with disAbilities
Kids Together, Inc.
- Web Address: http://www.kidstogether.org/
- Sponsor: Kids Together, Inc. is a non-profit organization co-founded by parents, and
organized by volunteers. The Goals of Kids Together, Inc. include a desire to remove
barriers that exclude people with disabilities. We support the belief that children with
disabilities, like all children, have the need to be welcomed, cherished and embraced in
our communities.
- Descriptions: This site is designed to provide helpful information and resources to
enhance the quality of life for children and adults with disabilities, and communities as
a whole.
People First Language
- Web Address: http://www.kidstogether.org/pep-1st.html
- Sponsor: Kids Together, Inc.
- Description: On-line version of People First pamphlet by Kathy Snow with links to other
sites discussing People First language.
Review Index
- Web Address: http://www.aspensys.com/eric/resources/ericreview/review.html
- Sponsor: Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) supported by US Dept. of
- Description: Includes issues covering: Inclusion, School-to-Work Transition,
Performance-Based Assessment
Fact Sheets from The Arc
- Web Address: http://www.thearc.org/qaindex.html
- Sponsor: The Arc
- Description: Fact Sheets and Articles related to Mental Retardation
The Arc of Texas Information and Referral
- Web Address: http://www.thearcoftexas.org/
- Sponsor: The Arc of Texas
- Description: The Arc of Texas provides information and referral to persons with
developmental disabilities or their family members and the people who serve them to assist
in alleviating or eliminating needs that are related to the disability. The kind of
information and referral given is usually written information and referral to other
persons or organizations.
Texas Advocates Supporting Kids with
disabilities (TASK)
- Website: http://www.main.org./task/index.htm
- Sponsor: Texas Advocates Supporting Kids with Disabilities, Inc.
- Description: T.A.S.K. is a statewide coalition of parents and professionals who advocate
for positive public policies which provide the supports necessary for our children to live
a fully inclusive and meaningful life in the community of their choice. We believe that
parents, along with other caring individuals who share our goals and guiding principles,
must be the voice for change for our children with disabilities and special health care
National Information Center for Children
and Youth with Disabilities
- Web Address: http://www.nichcy.org/index.html
- Sponsor: NICHCY
- Description: NICHCY is the national information and referral center that provides
information on disabilities and disability-related issues for families, educators, and
other professionals. Our special focus is children and youth (birth to age 22).
Federation for Children with Special Needs
- Website: http://www.fcsn.org/
- Sponsor: Federation for Children with Special Needs
- Description: The Federation is a center for parents and parent organizations to work
together on behalf of children with special needs and their families.
Partners Resource Network, Inc. - The PATH
- Website: http://www.salsa.net/~path/
- Sponsor: Partners Resource Network, Inc. - The PATH Project. PATH is a grant project of
Partners Resource Network, Inc., a non-profit agency serving Texas as the statewide Parent
Training and Information Center.
- Description: The PATH Project is funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education
in Washington, D.C. Through PATH and other projects, Partners provides services across the
state of Texas to parents of infants, toddlers, children, and youth with all types of
disabilities. Includes on-line highlights from PATHWAYS newsletter and links to useful WWW
Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law
- Web Address: http://www.bazelon.org/
- Sponsor: Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law. Legal advocacy for the civil rights and
human dignity of people with mental disability
- Description: Includes links to Advocacy and Disability Resources
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Government Information
State of Texas Government Information
- Web Address: http://www.texas.gov/
- Sponsor: Texas Department of Information Resources and the Texas State Library and
Archives Commission
- Description: Page with links to State of Texas Government Information (no Search
of Available Appointments - Texas Governor's Office
- Web Address: http://www.governor.state.tx.us/appointments/appointments_available.html
- Sponsor: State of Texas Governor's Office
- Description: This list reflects recent and currently available appointments. It is
subject to change on a daily basis as appointments are made and as resignations are
received. If you have questions regarding the continued availability of a position or the
qualifications for a particular board or commission, please call Governor's office.
Examples: Interagency Council on Early Intervention (parent members needed);
Rehabilitation Advisor Council; Home and Community Support Services Advisor Council;
Governor's Committee on People with Disabilities; State Independent Living Council.
Texas Governor's
Committee on People with Disabilities
- Web Address: http://www.governor.state.tx.us/comdis/index.htm
- Sponsor: Texas Governor's Office
- Description: The Texas Governor's Committee on People with Disabilities promotes rights
and opportunities of people with disabilities through: promoting implementation of the
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in Texas; making short- and long-range
recommendations regarding policies, programs, and funding; supporting a network of
community-level committees doing similar work; and issuing awards and recognition to
entities who empower people with disabilities in Texas.
U.S. Government Information Exchange
- Web Address: http://www.info.gov/
- Sponsor: Government Service Agency's Federal Telecommunications Service
- Description: A site with links and search capability for Federal Government Agencies,
THOMAS Legislative Information on the Internet
- Web Address: http://thomas.loc.gov/
- Sponsor: U.S. Library of Congress
- Description: Source of information on U.S. Congress: Bills, Congressional Record,
Committee Information, etc. Includes search functions.
U.S. Office of Special
Education Programs (OSEP)
- Web Address: http://www.ed.gov/offices/OSERS/OSEP/index.html
- Sponsors: U.S. Government
- Description: OSEP focuses on the free appropriate education of children and youth with
disabilities from birth through age 21.
Texas Education Agency, Division of
Special Education
- Web Address: http://www.tea.state.tx.us/special.ed/
- Sponsor: Texas Education Agency
- Description: Home Page for Special Education information from TEA.
U.S. Rehabilitation Services
Administration (RSA)
- Web Address: http://www.ed.gov/offices/OSERS/RSA/rsa.html
- Sponsors: U.S. Government
- Description: RSA oversees programs that help individuals with disabilities to obtain
employment through supports such as counseling, medical and psychological services, job
training, and other individualized services.
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Inclusive Education
The Family
Village School - Inclusion Resources
- Website: http://www.familyvillage.wisc.edu/education/inclusion.html
- Sponsor: The Family Village
- Description: An extensive set of links covering - Who to Contact; Where to Go to Chat
With Others; Read More About It - On-Line Articles; What Do the Laws Say About Inclusion?;
On-Line Newsletters; Recommended Reading; Books, Videos, Newsletters & Other
Resources; Conferences, Workshops, Institutes; Research; Web Sites. See also the Family Village School Homepage at
http://www.familyvillage.wisc.edu/school.htm for additional links.
Project for the Utilization of Full Inclusion
- Web Address: http://www.valdosta.peachnet.edu/coe/coed/sped/camp/proj/abstract.html
- Description: A three year project funded by the USDE Office of Special Education
Programs resulted in a comprehensive instructional package for training teachers to apply
innovative practices that expand opportunities for service delivery for students with
diverse learning abilities in inclusive neighborhood schools. The downloadable print
package, Building Inclusive Schools: An Instructional Series, is available from the World
Wide Web as an Acrobat file (player included).
Circle of Inclusion Outreach Training
- Web Address: http://circleofinclusion.org/
- Sponsor: University of Kansas, Special Education Department
- Description: The Circle of Inclusion Outreach Training Project is designed to address
the challenges and issues of inclusive program development for children with severe,
multiple disabilities. The project goals of training, technical assistance, evaluation,
dissemination, and management place a special emphasis on the development of collaborative
programs between community early childhood programs, local education agencies, and special
education services.
Inclusive Education Web Site
- Web Address: http://www.uni.edu/coe/inclusion/index.html
- Sponsor: Renaissance Group, a consortium of universities noted for their teacher
education programs and working to reform teacher education.
- Description: This Website covers some basic guidelines for teaching in an inclusive
classroom. Resources for learning more about inclusive education are also included.
Links to Web Sites on Inclusion
(Kids Together, Inc.)
- Web Address: http://www.kidstogether.org/inc-link.html
- Sponsor: Kids Together, Inc.
- Description: A variety of links that contain invaluable information on inclusion. A few
links are highlighted with the words **Recommended Reading** by Kids Together, Inc. to
point out those sites that are considered to provide that extra bit of insight or
Inclusion Links
- Web Address: http://www.asri.edu/cfsp/brochure/inclinks.htm
- Sponsor: Consortium on Inclusive Schooling Practices [Allegheny-Singer Research
Institute; San Diego State University (Ian Pumpian); National Association of State Boards
of Education; The University of Montana]
- Description: Extensive list of education links including inclusion links.
Policy and Practice
Briefs - Consortium on Inclusive Schooling Practices
- Web Address: http://www.asri.edu/CFSP/brochure/abtcons.htm#briefs
- Sponsor: Consortium on Inclusive Schooling Practices [Allegheny-Singer Research
Institute; San Diego State University (Ian Pumpian); National Association of State Boards
of Education; The University of Montana]
- Description: Briefs about research and practices related to inclusive schooling,
systemic reform, and effective instructional practices.
Inclusion Press HomePage
- Web Address: http://www.inclusion.com/
- Sponsor: Jack Pearpoint & Marsha Forest, Inclusion Press International, Toronto,
ON., Canada
- Description: Inclusion Press is a small independent press striving to produce readable,
accessible, user-friendly books and resources about full inclusion in school, work, and
community. Our books are excellent resources for courses and conferences. Write/call for
information re bulk rates for schools and voluntary/advocacy organizations. Inclusion
Press can recommend packets of materials for your conferences, workshops,
staff-development seminars and events.
Texas Education Agency, Division of
Special Education
- Web Address: http://www.tea.state.tx.us/special.ed/
- Sponsor: Texas Education Agency
- Description: Home Page for Special Education information from TEA.
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills
- Website: http://www.tea.state.tx.us/teks/
- Sponsor: Texas Education Agency
- Description: Complete and final version of Texas K-12 curriculum standards to become
effective 9/1/98.
Proposed Federal
Regulations For the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Parts 300 and 301
- Website: http://www.tea.state.tx.us/special.ed/specannc.html
- Sponsor: Texas Education Agency
- Description: Proposed Regulations for Reauthorized IDEA.
.OSEP Monitoring Report of the
Texas Education Agency
- Web Address: http://www.tea.state.tx.us/special.ed/OSEP/
- Sponsor: Texas Education Agency
- Description: Report of the Sept. 1996 OSEP on-site review of the Texas Education
Agency's compliance with Part B of IDEA. Eleven school districts were reviewed and
numerous deficiencies were found. Texas Advocates for Special-needs Kids has stated,
"According to the findings of the report, TEA is not meeting its responsibility to
the students of Texas who receive special education services."
Texas Special
Education Resource Center
- Web Address: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/8474/index.html
- Sponsor: Steve Levine, 1997 Texas Partners in Policymaking Graduate
- Description: I'm looking for your Texas success stories to share with other Texas
- Tell me about the ARD meeting that worked.
- Tell me about the IEP that worked.
- Tell me about the EYS program or In-Home Training or Transition Plan that worked.
- Share your stories with me, and I'll post them here so that everyone can benefit from
your experience.
- Want to remain anonymous or call your child John Doe? No problem, just let me know and
I'll honor your confidentiality.
Parents Engaged in Education Reform
- Website: http://www.fcsn.org/peer/home.htm
- Sponsor: Parents Engaged in Education Reform. The PEER Project is funded by the U.S.
Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (H029K50208).
- Description: Includes links to periodical newsletters and all state Parent Centers on
Inclusive Education Information - NDSS
- Website: http://www.ndss.org/
- Sponsor: National Down Syndrome Society
- Description: Information and References for Inclusive Education
Special Education Inclusion
- Website: http://www.weac.org/resource/june96/speced.htm
- Sponsor: Wisconsin Education Association Council. WEAC represents the public policy,
labor and professional interests of 84,500 education professionals in Wisconsin.
- Description: A discussion of inclusion from perspective of education professionals.
Includes definiations, applicable laws and abstracts of court cases, research results, and
Students with
Intellectual Disabilities - A Resource Guide for Teachers
- Website: http://www.educ.gov.bc.ca/specialed/sid/contents.html
- Sponsor: British Columbia Ministry of Education Skills and Training
- Description: Includes sections on Fostering Inclusion, Adapting and Modifying
Curriculum, Using Teacher Assistants, Behavior, and Planning Community and Work
How to Participate in the I.E.P.
- Web Address: http://www.ldanatl.org/pamphlets/iep.html
- Sponsor: The Learning Disabilities Association
- Description: A pamphlet describing how to use the IEP (Individual Education Plan)
process as an effective tool to obtain appropriate special education and related services
for your child..
IEPs and Parent Advocacy
- Web Address: http://add.miningco.com/msubiep.htm
- Sponsor: The Mining Co. Guide to ADD
- Description: A compililation of links to webpages on IEPs and Parent Advocacy
Special Education Resources on the
Internet (SERI)
- Web Address: http://www.hood.edu/seri/serihome.htm
- Sponsor: Hood College provides the server.
- Description: An extensive collection of Internet accessible information resources of
interest to those involved in the fields related to Special Education.
The Special Education Advocate
- Web Address: http://www.wrightslaw.com
- Sponsor: Pete and Pam Wright
- Description: Information about Special Education and the law. On-line newsletter
World Wide Web and
Special Education - An On-line Issue of Teaching Exceptional Children
- Web Address: http://www.nscee.edu/unlv/Colleges/Education/ERC
- Sponsor: Council for Exceptional Children
- Description: The first on-line issue of Teaching Exceptional Children. Includes
information on WWW and some links to useful Websites (Figures from printed magazine with
lists of favorite web sites, etc. are not reproduced in the on-line copy). Free access.
Inclusion: School as a
Caring Community
- Web Address: http://www.quasar.ualberta.ca/ddc/incl/intro.htm
- Sponsors: JP Das Developmental Difficulties Centre at the University of Alberta.
- Description: Includes a Handbook on Inclusive Education, Field Notes (interviews with
teachers with success in inclusive education), and Resources (Annotated Bibliography and
On-line Links)
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Supported Employment
What is Supported Employment? (Kids
Together, Inc.)
- Web Address: http://www.kidstogether.org/sup.html
- Sponsor: Kids Together, Inc.
- Description: A good description of what supported empoyment is and who it is for.
Texas Workforce Commission
School-To-Careers Program
- Website: http://www.twc.state.tx.us/svcs/stw/stwhp.html
- Sponsor: Texas Workforce Commission
- Descriptions: Links to Newsletters, addresses, etc.
National School-To-Work Office
- Website: http://www.stw.ed.gov/
- Sponsor: National School-To-Work Learning and Information Center
- Description: Information and Links to other pages
Association for Persons in Supported Employment
- Website: http://www.apse.org/
- Sponsor: Association for Persons in Supported Employment
- Description: The Association for Persons in Supported Employment is a membership
organization formed to improve and expand integrated employment opportunities, services,
and outcomes for persons experiencing disabilities.
Virginia Commonwealth University
Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Supported Employment
- Website: http://www.vcu.edu/rrtcweb/
- Sponsor: Virginia Commonwealth University
- Description: State-of-the-art information on employment of people with disabilities
PACER Center - Employment
Strategies for Youth and Adults with Disabilities
- Website: http://www.pacer.org/employ/index.html
- Sponsor: PACER - Parent Advocacy Coalition for Educational Rights (Minnesota)
- Description: Information and ideas to assist youth and adults with disabilities in
finding and keeping jobs that match their interests and support needs, pay decent wages,
and provide the number of hours of employment desired.
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Assistive Technology
Texas Assistive Technology Partnership
- Web Address: http://tatp.edb.utexas.edu/
- Sponsor: The Texas University Affiliated Program at the University of Texas at Austin.
- Description: The Texas Assistive Technology Partnership (TATP) was formed in 1992 to
lead and coordinate Technology-Related Assistance to Individuals with Disabilities Act
(Tech Act) activities in the state of Texas. Includes a downloadable version of the Texas
Assistive Technology Database which contains information on assistive technology services
in the state of Texas. Includes a large page of Links to Disability Resources on the
Assistive Technology
On-Line Home Page
- Web Address: http://www.asel.udel.edu/at-online/ assistive.html
- Sponsor or Group Sponsor: Assistive Technology On- Line Web Group
- Description: The Assistive Technology On-Line Home Page is a list of links to web pages
related to topics concerning the use of assistive technology. Here you will find
information regarding augmentative and alternative communication, assistive technology
devices, government policy related to technology, home modifications, and adaptive toys or
Closing the Gap
- Web Address: http://www.closingthegap.com/
- Sponsor: Closing The Gap, Inc. is an organization that focuses on computer technology
for people with special needs through its bi-monthly newspaper, annual international
conference and extensive web site.
- Description: Includes links to the on-line version of the newspaper, a library of past
issues, and a searchable Resource Directory - a fully SEARCHABLE database with the latest
computer-related products for people with special needs.
Adaptive Mall
- Web Address: http://www3.viaweb.com/am/index.html
- Sponsor: Tim Bergeron, Bergeron Publishing
- Description: Assistive technology and adaptive devices at discounts for children and
young adults with cerebral palsy and other physical disabilities or special needs.
EASI: Equal Access to Software and
- Web Address: http://www.isc.rit.edu/~easi/
- Sponsor: The Teaching, Learning and Technology Group - An affiliate of the American
Association for Higher Education
- Description: People with disabilities must have the same access to information and
resources as everyone else. The EASI mission is to promote this access through 1) on-site
and on-line workshops; 2) publications and videos; 3) e-mail discussion lists; 4) web
site; 5) electronic journal; and 6) participation in a wide variety of regional and
national conferences.
Disability Solutions: Focus on
Assistive Technology
- Web Address: http://www.teleport.com/~dsolns/3-2.htm
- Sponsors: The Enoch-Gelbard Foundation, a private, nonprofit organization.
- Description: A free, bi-monthly publication (print and on-line). Directed to families
and others interested in Down syndrome and related disabilities. Volume 3, Issue 2 is
devoted to Assistive Technology Assessments.
- Web Address: http://www.ncddr.org/doorways/aat/index.html
- Sponsors: National Center for the Dissemination of Disability Research
- Description: Includes section on How to Get Funding for Assistive Technology
Assistive and Adaptive
Computing Technology In Special Education
- Web Address: http://at-advocacy.phillynews.com/index.html
- Description: Many good links relating to special education and assistive technology
Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST)
- Web Address: http://www.cast.org/
- Sponsor: CAST
- Description: CAST is an educational, not-for-profit organization that uses technology to
expand opportunities for all people, including those with disabilities. CAST now believes
that the most effective strategy for expanding opportunities for individuals with
disabilities is through universal design for learning. The phrase "universal
design" refers to the creation of computer software and learning models that are
useable by everyone, including individuals of all ages, whether they are gifted, are
typical learners, or have special needs.
of File
Advocacy Organizations
Where Do I Get
Help in Texas?
- Web Address:
- Sponsor: The Learning Disabilities Project at WETA, Washington, D.C. in association with
The Coordinated Campaign for Learning Disabilities.
- Description: Listing of Government Agencies and local/state chapters of helpful
organizations including advocacy organizations.
Advocacy, Incorporated
- Web Address: http://www.advocacyinc.org/
- Sponsor: Advocacy, Incorporated. Advocacy, Inc. is a nonprofit corporation funded by the
United States Congress to protect and advocate for the legal rights of people with
disabilities in Texas. It is not a part of state or local government. It has offices
throughout the State of Texas, and a Board of Directors appointed mainly by disability
- Description: Advocacy, Incorporated's web site was developed as an additional means of
making available the wealth of information they provide. On their site is information
about our priorities, services and programs as well as many of their publications. The
most recent issue of their newsletter, SPECIAL EDition, is available. All of their
handouts are available, many of them in Spanish. These handouts include important
information about the Americans with Disabilities Act, issues surrounding educational
opportunities for students with disabilities, mental health issues, managed care issues,
and vocational rehabilitation issues.
Texas Advocates Supporting Kids with
Disabilities (TASK)
- Web Address: http://www.main.org/task/
- Sponsor: Texas Advocates Supporting Kids with Disabilities
- Description: T.A.S.K. is a statewide coalition of parents and professionals who advocate
for positive public policies which provide the supports necessary for our children to live
a fully inclusive and meaningful life in the community of their choice. We believe that
parents, along with other caring individuals who share our goals and guiding principles,
must be the voice for change for our children with disabilities and special health care
The Arc and The Arc of Texas
- Web Addresses: http://www.thearc.org/ and http://www.thearcoftexas.org/
- Sponsor: The Arc
- Description: The Arc is the country's largest voluntary organization committed to the
welfare of all children and adults with mental retardation and their families. The
National website includes links to The Capitol Insider (updated weekly) and Government
Reports (updated bi-monthly)
Association of Disability Advocates
- Website: http://www.icanect.net/fpa/index.htm
- Sponsor: Association of Disability Advocates
- Description: The Association of Disability Advocates exists to provide information and
assistance to individuals with disabilities in the exercise of their civil rights as
provided by the American's with Disabilities Act.
The Disability Rights
- Website: http://www.teleport.com/~abarhydt/index.html
- Sponsor: The Disability Rights Activist
- Description: THE DISABILITY RIGHTS ACTIVIST brings together much of the information
needed to enable anyone interested in the rights of disabled people to work for those
rights. Inlcudes information and links to other pages.
- Web Address: http://www.adapt.org/
- Sponsor: ADAPT of Texas
- Description: There's no place like home, and we mean real homes, not nursing homes. We
are fighting so people with disabilities can live in the community with real supports
instead of being locked away in nursing homes and other institutions. Join us and let's
United Cerebral Palsy's National Homepage
- Web Address: http://www.ucpa.org/html/
- Sponsor: United Cerebral Palsy
- Description: This site provides information on the programs and services of the nation's
second largest health charity, but also offers a wealth of information on a variety of
disability topics. See Advocacy in Action page.
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Sites Related to Specific
Catalog of Sites Related to
Specific Disabilities
- Web Address: http://www.familyvillage.wisc.edu/specific.htm
- Sponsor: Family Village
- Description: An on-line card catalog that can help you find information about
specific disabilities.
United Cerebral Palsy's National Homepage
- Web Address: http://www.ucpa.org/html/
- Sponsor: United Cerebral Palsy
- Description: This site provides information on the programs and services of the nation's
second largest health charity, but also offers a wealth of information on a variety of
disability topics. See Advocacy in Action page.
Dr. Len Leshin's Down Syndrome Sites on the
- Web Address: http://www.ds-health.com/
- Sponsor: Dr. Len Leshin, MD, FAAP (Father of 4-year old Avi, who happens to have Down
- Description: A large list of excellent Web sites of relevance to Down syndrome.
Categories: National Organizations, Local Organizations, Comprehensive Web Sites, Online
Magazines and Newsletters, International Pages, DS Clinics on the Internet, Medical
Resources, Other Resources, Family and Individual Pages, Internet Relay Chats, and Mailing
Autism Society of America
- Web Address: http://www.autism-society.org/
- Sponsor: Autism Society of America
- Description: The mission of the Autism Society of America is to promote lifelong access
and opportunities for persons within the autism spectrum and their families, to be fully
included, participating members of their communities through advocacy, public awareness,
education, and research related to autism.
Autism Resources
- Web Address: http://web.syr.edu/~jmwobus/autism/
- Sponsor: John Wobus, father of Timothy Wobus who has autism.
- Description: Index of online information and resources on the developmental disabilities
Autism and Asperger's Syndrome. This page is an organized list of all types of resources
about Autism that are available on the net.
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Playground Access
- Web Address: http://www.indiana.edu/~nca/playgrounds/playground.htm
- Sponsor:
- Description: A resource for parks and recreation professionals planning playgrounds
inclusive of children with disabilities
Disabled Sports USA
- Web Address: http://www.dsusa.org/~dsusa/
- Sponsor: Disabled Sports USA - A national nonprofit, tax exempt (501 C3) organization
providing sports and recreation services to children and adults with physical or mobility
related disabilities. Disabled Sports USA (DS/USA) serves over 60,000 people annually.
DS/USA is a member of the U.S. Olympic Committee.
- Description: Information about Disabled Sports USA activities and other links related to
sports and recreation for individuals with disabilities.
North American Riding for the Handicapped
- Web Address: http://www.narha.org/
- Sponsor: North American Riding for the Handicapped Association
- Description: NARHA is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote and support
equine-facilitated activities for individuals with disabilities. NARHA was founded in 1969
to promote and support therapeutic riding in the U.S. and Canada. At some 500 NARHA riding
centers, more than 32,000 individuals with disabilities find a sense of independence
through horseback riding. These centers range from small, one-person programs to large
operations with several instructors and therapists. In addition to therapeutic riding, a
center may offer any number of equine activities such as driving, vaulting, trail riding,
competition or stable management. NARHA assists riding centers in several ways for the
benefit of individuals with disabilities. NARHA provides program accreditation to ensure
the highest safety standards at riding centers, instructor certification which brings
knowledge of disabilities and that of horses together to best serve riders' needs, and
low-cost liability insurance for NARHA riding centers.
Texas Special Olympics
- Web Address: http://www.sotx.org/
- Sponsor: Special Olympics of Texas
- Description: The mission of Special Olympics is to provide year-round sports training
and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for persons eight years of
age and older with mental retardation, giving them continuing opportunities to develop
physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in the sharing of
gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympians and the
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Other Lists of Disability Links
Yahoo's List of
Disability-related sites
- Web Address: http://www.yahoo.com/society_and_culture/disabilities/
Disability Resources on the Internet
- Web Address: http://www.nyise.org/disable.htm
- Sponsor: The New York Institute for Special Education
- Description: A listing of Disability-Related Web sites.
Disability-Related Sites on the World
Wide Web
- Web Address: http://TheArc.org/misc/dislnkin.html
- Sponsor: The Arc
- Description: Extensive list of links under headings of: Parenting Information and
Support; Disability Resource Lists and Directories; Other National Disability
Organizations; International Disability Organizations; Assistive Technology, Software and
Electronic Information; Health Promotion and Disability Prevention; Consulting and
Commercial Disability-Related Sites; Universities and University Based Programs;
Disability Service Providers; Federally Funded Projects on Mental Retardation and Related
Disability Issues; Information on Disability Legislation; Federal Agencies; Organizational
and Grant Resources.
Special Education
Internet Sites
- Web Address: http://www.schdist42.bc.ca/ProjectInfo/sped3.html
- Sponsor: School District #42, Maple Ridge/ Pitt Meadows, British Columbia, Canada
- Description: Special Education Internet Sites of Interest to Teachers, Administrators,
Paraprofessionals, Caregivers and Parents
Parent Advocate News List of
Web Resources
- Web Address: http://www.pilot.infi.net/~marywilt/links.htm
- Sponsor: Mary Wilt, parent of child with Down syndrome
- Description: List of Web Resources under a variety of headings
Links to Other Sites from
JPDas Developmental Disabilities Centre
- Web Address: http://www.quasar.ualberta.ca/ddc/links.html
- Sponsor: JPDas Developmental Disabilities Centre at University of Alberta
- Description: Links on Developmental Disabilities and Inclusion Resources
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E-Mail Lists and Newsletters
Wired Across
- Web Address: http://www.edb.utexas.edu/coe/depts/sped/tatp/wired.html
- Sponsor: Texas Assistive Technology Partnership
- Description: Wired Across Texas is an Internet Mailing List for discussing topics of
interest to persons with disabilities, their families and friends. Anyone with an e-mail
address may subscribe to the list and there is no charge for subscription. Once subscribed
to the list, you may send messages to the list asking questions, making comments, posting
information etc. The messages you send go to everyone on the list. We will also post
articles, alerts and comments. To subscribe to the list, send an e-mail message to
listproc@mcfeeley.cc.utexas.edu. In the body of the message write "subscribe wired
firstname lastname".
Special Education Advocate
- Web Address: http://www.wrightslaw.com
- Sponsor: Pete and Pam Wright
- Description: At The Special Ed Advocate web site, you'll find articles, cases,
newsletters, and other essential information about special education law and advocacy. The
Special Ed Advocate has grown into an essential reference base for parents, attorneys,
educators, and advocates. Parents, educators, experts, and attorneys come here for
up-to-date information about effective advocacy for children with disabilities.
Disability Solutions
- Web Address: http://www.teleport.com/~dsolns/news.htm
- Sponsors: The Enoch-Gelbard Foundation, a private, nonprofit organization.
- Description: A free, bi-monthly publication (print and on-line). Directed to families
and others interested in Down syndrome and related disabilities. Each issue has a focus
area: areas covered include: Assistive Technology Assessments; Paraprofessionals in the
Classroom; Curricular Adaptations; Teaching Sign Language; Computers and Learning
The Parent Advocate News
- Web Address: http://mh106.infi.net/~marywilt/
- Sponsor: Mary Wilt, parent of child with Down syndrome
- Description: New Newletter written by parents, intended for parents and anyone else
advocating for children with developmental disabilties. Our Mission: Encourage inclusive
community building through communication. Includes an extensive list of Web Resources and
a Message Board.
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Partners in Policymaking Web Sites
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Send comments to: Kenn Harding at harding@tamu.edu.