Our Picture Gallery

Larry and I at Adventureland
May 1998

Larry and his Dad L.E.
May 1998
Jesse and Nita Giles
Christmas 1998

Me, March 1998

Me and My Grandpa Floyd Summer 1993

When I first told Larry that I wanted to do a page with our pictures on it he was not very sure about it.....because of his size he worries what people will think...A friend of ours said when talking about Larry.."yeah, Larry is a big guy but 90% of his size is his heart...." and it is true! He would do just about anything for those he loves...

The picture with his Dad is very special to us...you see, it was taken the last time we really saw his dad before he died 2 months later

The next picture is Of Jesse and Nita Giles....It's funny the relationship we have with them...you see, they are Larry's ex-wife's parents....they are truely like parents to us and are the nicest people ....

The next picture is of me.....before I got my hair cut short

The next one is a picture of me and my Grandpa Floyd with his dog Super.....

I will post more pics as I can....

© 1999