Right click on the musical note to control the midi! (Crescendo only)

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Donna's Home on the Web

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Welcome to Donna's Home on the Web; what an original name!   I hope you enjoy the time you spend here and find a reason to come back! Please leave me a note in the guestbook so that I will know you were here, or send me an e-mail!

I've had my own web page for about 3 years now, and it has grown and changed much as I have!  I think I'm finally *where I want to be* in my life now, and I am working hard to upgrade my pages to reflect the person I've become.  Part of that growth involved relocating my page from the Geocities South Beach Community to Heartland Gardens.  I am deleting a lot of the things that were once important to me from my web page and replacing them with things that really matter!

Now, a few tips about enjoying your visit to my web page: I like graphics, so my pages are pretty intense in that respect. I hope you have the patience to let everything download, because your visit will be more pleasant if all the images are in place. I also like midis and have one on almost every page. There are control buttons at the top of each page to help you adjust the midi volume or turn it off completely. Just right click on the musical note and select your settings from the menu. This will only work if you have Crescendo, so get it if you need it! (Otherwise, you see that little button on your monitor marked *Mute*? Use that to control the volume! ) My pages are designed to look best in MS Internet Explorer, my browser of choice, and at a resolution of 800 x 600. I used to have Netscape, too, and have previewed my pages in that; they look just fine. Now, on with the show!

Click here to break free of someone else's frames!

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Personal Information
Meet Donna
Here's Donald
Our Little Girl
Love of Another Kind
Special Interests
My Favorite Links
Augusta Lynx Hockey
SPIRIT_STICK.gif (10100 bytes) The Site Fights SPIRIT_STICK.gif (10100 bytes)
Spirit Fairies
Fairy Awards Gallery
January 1998 Fairy Signature
Pharaohs Spirit Page
Site Fights Help Page
Acknowledgments and Memberships
My Awards

Adopted MIA Emblem

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This web site was created by Donna © 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999.

This site was last updated Friday, January 29, 1999.

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