Nancy Phillips Hughes
Genealogy Homepage
I would like to introduce you to my family.  They are mothers, fathers, doctors, lawyers, teachers and Indians.  Please browse, and remember, I have always tried to document what I have.  If there are mistakes, I take full responsibility, and if you can add to or correct, please contact me at so we can share. 
My Family
Ancestors of Iva Nell Grooms Phillips
Includes Grooms, Lee, Rodgers, McAllister & Locklair
Ancestors of Honoria Logan Lang
Includes Logan, Lang, Chesnut, Frierson, Grant, McRae, Vaughan, and many others
Ancestors of Lucius Bellinger Phillips
Includes Phillips, Riedheimer, Salley, Shuler, Blewer, Bolin, Winningham
Some of My Favorite Links
The Groom Family Genealogy Forum

The Grooms Family Home Page

The South Carolina GenWeb

The Sumter County Genealogical Society, Sumter, SC

South Carolina History & Genealogy

The South Carolina Department of Archives & History
The Greater Columbia Chapter of
The American Association of University Women (AAUW)