This is a continuation of the Castles of your mind, and has family genealogy listed here. Please feel free to hike through and if you know or are a relative to anyone listed PLEASE contact me at
nelda_percival at hotmail.com
My begining page is www.geocities.com/Heartland/Fields/8731, which brings you to the cover page., open the book and you will find an extensive Table of Contents.

Cupps, Part Two

page 3

(3rd) Mary Poor, b. (?) d. in Chariton County Mo., (A copy of her death certificate is the family records section of this book.(table of Contents)) They had the following children: (all born Bee Branch twp., Chariton cty., Mo.)
1. John Rufus Cupp
b. 11 july 1865,  Bee Branch Twp., Chariton cty., Mo.
2. Ulalia Cupp b.
22 Aug 1867, Chariton cty Mo.
3. Robinson Moore Cupp
, b. b. 25 Dec. 1868, Chrariton cty. Mo.
4. Mary Ellen Cupp
, b. 11 Jan 1870, Chariton cty., Mo.
5. Claiborne F. Cupp,
2 June 1872,  Chariton cty., Mo.
6. Alsalom Cupp
, b. 14 Nov. 1873 Chariton cty Mo; d.       ; He married Kitty Belle Morris on    at                                they had the following children     
Isis Nina Cupp , Diane's line

7. Armina Cupp
, b. 13 Mar. 1875, Chariton cty., Mo.
8. Leander Harvey Cupp
, b. 26 Mar. 1877, Chariton cty. Mo.
9. Minnie May Cupp
, b. 22 Oct. 1878, Chariton cty. Mo.
10. Lester Cupp
, b. 22 Jun 1880, Chariton cty. Mo.
11. Julia Belle Cupp
, b. 20 Mar 1882.

Cupp, Rachel Susan (daughter of Isaac and Sarah -  twin of James Cupp) b. 3 Feb 1838, Keyesville, Mo. she married James A. Howe,
( Rachel is half sister to Francis Marion Cupp grandfather; James is a brother of Agnes Jane Howe,  Francis Marion's wife) for Howe information and a listing of their children go to

Cupp, James Isaac, (son of Isaac William and Sarah Bridges, twin of Rachell Susan Cupp) b. 3 Feb. 1838, Keytesville, Mo. d. (?) place (?). m. (?) b. (?) d. (?).

Cupp, David (son of Issac William and Sarah Bridges) b. 29 Oct 1841 Keytesville, Mo. d. (?) place (?) m. Jane Scott, b. (?) d. (?). They had the following children: none listed

Cupp, Jacob (3x Great grand Father) b. 1770 at Shenandoah, Virginia d. 1845 Claiborne, Tenn. burried at Claiborne, Tenn. m. during 1788 to Sibitha Breeding at Shenandoah, Virginia. She was born 1770 Virginia, d. 1845 Claiborne, Tenn.also burried there. Her parents were Spencer Breeding (4x great grand father) b. 1730, England, d. 1808 Wythe Co. Va., her mother Priscella (?) b. abt 1730 Shenandoah Co. Va., Her grand parents are Bryant Breeding (5x great grand father) b. about 1700/1705 England, d. Before 1750 England M.(?) Elizabeth b.  1704, England, d. in Virginia.
There is a story about Jacob, He drove a wagon with a team of horses from Tazwell, Tenn. to Marceline Mo. area to visit  his sons  Isaac William and Abraham. He stayed a while and left for home. He was seen on the west bank of the Missippi River and never arrived on the east bank... (but if this is so then he is not burried at tazwell.)   Jacob and Sibitha had the following children:
Issac William Cupp b. 1801,m. Sarah Bridges, and common law wife to Nancy Rosetta Bridges (Our Lines) see entry for Isaac William Cupp. and Bridges info in table of contents.
2. Abraham Cupp, b. (?) d. (?) m. (?)

Cupp, Andrew, (4x Great grand father) b.c 1740 in Pennsylvania, d. c 1801 at Shenandoah, Va. m. Mary Elizabeth Wynkold b. 1744 at Shenandoah, Va. d. Aft. 1801, Va. They were married c 1760 in Lancaster Co., Penn. He shows on the tax rolls of Heidelberg Township, Lancaster Co., in the 1770's as owning 100 acres and 2 horses (Andrew Kap). [Brown, Cupp-L, Matthews].  Their children were
Jacob S. Cupp b. 1770,d. 1845; m.Sibitha Breeding  (our Line)
2. John Cupp,
b. (?)    m. (?)
George Cupp b. before 1770 d. (?)  m. Susannah Hane
Mary Cupp, b. (?) d. (?) m. John Allerfer
Michael Cupp, b. (?) d. (?) m. Catherine Link
Eva Cupp, b. (?) d. (?) m.  Benjamin Bowman
Elizabeth Cupp, b. (?) d. (?) m. John Grim

Cupp, Frederick  (5x's Great GrandFather) b. before 1703 in  (?) , d. (?) m. (?)  .
They had the following children:
1. Andrew Cupp, b. after 1740, d. after 1801,  m. Mary E. Wynkold b.   (Our Line)
2. George Cupp, b. after 1740  m. (?)
3. Leonard Cupp, b.after 1740 m. (?)
4. Mary  Cupp, b. after 1740  m. (?)

Cupp, Jake   (6x's Great GrandFather) b. before 1680 from the Heidelburg, Germany area, d. (?) m. (?)  He came to America with his children.
They had the following children:
1. Frederick Cupp, b. before 1703 m. (?)  (Our line)
2. John Michael Cupp, b. before 1703 m. (?)
3. John Martin Cupp, b. before 1703 m. (?)
4. Conrad Cupp, b. before 1730 m. (?)

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For Cupp Information address a note to my cousin Diane at
and give her time to answer you, if she doesn't I will.

For Listings of other Cupps
First I must list Lynn Cupp's site as he and his wife were the first to help me in my search. His site is
Through the hard work and efforts of other people and their kindness I have found friends and family  information on the different net sites.  I can not vouch for their corectness but where  they have found proof or I have found proof I list it. At the end of my genealogy sites for I have many pages, I will give the names and address of those who have shared. I hope and pray that you find what you need and can then verify it. 
Good luck.. Nelda

Thanks for stopping by come back often cause the lady who writes this up-dates us often...

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